
I dont know if it feels different, she has always been a migraines patient with all the ups and downs that comes with it. But today she cried as I took both her hands, she looked at me and it felt more desperate. I wish these were problems of a time far, far away but time never waited on any of us did it? You know, this year I will be the age of your husband the day we met?

I want to pick up sailing again. I took the book I got just before we  met of the shelf the other day: “Chapman: Piloting & Seamanship”. There is a place one can take private sailing lessons, yachts, the ones you can take out to sea. I want to take Sproet along but should just call first to see if dogs are allowed 😉 We will sail away, Sproet and I, across the oceans to Florida, to visit you. We will sail west, fiercely, into the sunset and all the storms that might lay ahead of us.

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