It’s Been A While!

I’m not even going to go back and re-read my old entries (yet). I think about writing a lot but I don’t actually do it. I have been writing in my paper journal more and I do try to be consistent with that.

One thing I want to do is write when things are good. Most of the time I only write when things are bad and then when I go back to old entries it just spins me down into another depression!

So here’s some things!

– Parental Unit and I have gotten into a better groove about their care vs what I can do. I’m the sole caregiver and I can’t do everything for them and take care of myself. We’ve had so pretty messy arguments but I’m finding it much easier to hold my ground and not let myself be manipulated.

– Work is going very well! A large project that I’ve been working on since March of last year finally went live in January of this year. So far it’s had a really positive impact and I’m getting a lot of good exposure to the higher-ups! The automation I wrote will be used every month going forward and I’m moving to the “add new features” phase of development which should be very interesting!

– I’ve done a pretty good job with balancing my life, things that PU needs done for them and work-related tasks.

– I feel like I’m ready to dip my toes back into the dating world. That’s a scary thing for me given that I’m in my mid 40’s and I haven’t really been on a date in almost a decade. I think I’m feeling ready because I don’t want to date just to not be alone. I want to have someone in my life to share things with and be vulnerable with.

So yea, I’m feeling good and I wanted to document it here so when I come back I’m not just reading a bunch of bad memories!

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June 18, 2023

Welcome back. I noticed your diary entry on the home page. I like your diary name. I came back in 2020. Just wanted to introduce myself. I clicked on a friend request right away because my diary is friends only and thought you might want to come see what my diary looks like, etc. I was plain old tracker before. Since you have been back just a little while thought you may like to have some new friends. 😎