Lovely … just… freaking lovely.

So, I meant to start my computer maintenance, and yet again, I forgot lol…
Listening to my favorite female artist … and if you don’t (by now!) know who she is, you never will. But I will give you a hint. Two words: Travis Kelce. Yupp.
We are having burgers and fries tonight, I’m either having a chicken burger, or a hamburger, I’m not picky about my burgers. 🙂 I have to take my insulin soon… I successfully formatted my SD card, and am now d/ling my games again. I have to get them all too… it’s going to be time consuming, but I have pretty much all the time in the world. So.. yeah.
The games were not working b4 I formatted it, so they should now. I can test that theory soon.
Anyways, g2g,
How often do you need to use insulin? Â Do you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?
@wildrose_2 2x a day, and type 2. 🙂
@appleblossomgirl Thanks for letting me know.
@wildrose_2 No prob. 😀
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Yum, burgers.
@ostara We had coconut chicken tonight. SO. DELICIOUS. Jamaican food is the best yo.
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