Survey from Dark Madonna (Cathi)

What size is your bed?
Twin XL. It’s a fucking menace to make but a GhostBed is totally worth it.

What was the last thing you cooked?
I made hot chocolate yesterday but other than that I don’t cook.

Do you practice any religious faith?
I dabble in Jewish mysticism. (Kabbalah)

How old were you when you had your first date?
I guess somewhere in my mid teens? IDK.

What is something practical/useful that you bought recently?
I bought an Open Diary account … lol, um, I am buying a SD card reader that uses the USB connection instead.

Describe your gender and orientation.
Demi girl + asexual.

Where did you go on your last vacation?
I don’t really travel irl, but virtually with Mapcrunch or Google Earth, maybe Mexico? Or Baltimore? IDK..

How many countries have you visited in your lifetime?
Again virtually: Canada, USA, Mexico, Portugal, Russia… Japan?

What is something most people don’t know about you?
I’m pretty transparent, y’know? IDK.. I’m ambidextrous?

What type of home do you live in?
Honestly idk. It has a lot of bedrooms, and 4 baths? It’s a huge house.

What was the last thing you ate?
Nothing yet.

What one thing brings you the most joy in life?
Bees. ♥

What (if anything) are you reading right now?
Peel by David Viergutz and Huck Finn by Mark Twain.

How many people are in the room with you right now?
No one. Julz is prolly on the couch watching Highway to Heaven.

What are you wearing?
a hoodie the color of Tang drink mix, black tights, thick socks..

If you had $100 to blow on non-essentials, what would you spend it on?
Games lol or even junk food… (omg! $1oo on junk? lolololol)

How’s your health at present?

What are you looking forward to?
Going out with Bees today.

How did you sleep last night?
I slept surprisingly well.

What is something good that happened (or will happen) today?
Getting my orders filled. Woohoo!!

What is something interesting you’ve been watching?
Oh, horror movie after horror, you know me!

What’s on your shopping list right now?
Coke Zero.

What’s a chore at home you really need to get done?
Prolly clean my room?

Is your hair its natural color?
It darkened to auburn but essentially I am a strawberry blonde.

List 10 adjectives that describe you.
Friendly, funny, smart, caring, hyper, sarcastic, weird… IDK what else…?

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February 29, 2024

Just ordered some sugarfree hot chocolate from Amazon.  I’m with you, it sounds good!

February 29, 2024

@wildrose_2 it is. 😃

February 29, 2024

stealing. 😁

March 1, 2024

@ostara Hehe go for it love.