Kaytango Mango was a nickname between me and a close friend back in the day (diary est. 2001), this is full of memories, good, bad, cringey, and everything in between.

On a lifelong mission to heal from generational trauma.

Wishing everyone well always, from every background and life circumstance.

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Bursting at the Seams with Stress

July 26, 2024
My free trial is almost up on this diary, I do fucking hate that my only choice is to pay for a membership for this diary that I've had for so long. I do understand it has to create revenue, but at that point, I would rather just have ads. I know other people would…
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Recent Entries

  • Creativity Storm and then Nothing
    July 13, 2024
    I will try to get back to some journal prompts again soon, but I had like a ton of creativity and all the things I wanted to say were clear and flowing, and then suddenly writer's block again. I've also just been feeling a lot of anxiety and depression, but hardly ever at the same…
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  • Shadow Work Journal Exercise: Jealousy
    July 10, 2024
    Who are you jealous of? What desires lie behind your jealousy? How often do you feel jealousy? Jealousy has taken many different forms in my life. There were times I had convinced myself that I didn't possess jealousy, but then it came a runnin' from my subconscious when any particular circumstan...
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  • Shadow Work Journal Exercise: Inspiration
    July 10, 2024
    Think of a time when you felt a spark of joy and imagination. Your mind was full of awe and wonder. Where were you? What were you doing? Were you with someone? Write about what inspires you. My first reaction to a lot of these prompts are ????????????????????????? like...at first I just feel so f...
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  • Shadow Work Journal Exercise: Putting Yourself Last
    July 10, 2024
    Where are you putting yourself last? Think of the last time you did this to yourself in an unhealthy way. Why did you put aside your own well-being and needs? When reflecting upon this...I feel like a lot of my life has actually been the opposite...always putting myself above others. I was selfis...
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  • Shadow Work Journal Exercise: Fear
    July 9, 2024
    Imagine yourself unafraid. You have no doubts, no worries, no fears of the unknown.  The things you used to worry about do not exist. Write about what you would do if this was the case. What would you do if you weren't afraid?   Wow. Wow, wow, wow. This is an incredible prompt because alread...
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  • Shadow Work: A Letter to Yourself
    July 8, 2024
    Exercise: Find some time to take a step back from your normal routine and do a deep reflection. Think back to a difficulty you faced in the past, and write a letter addressed to that version of yourself. Write your letter with love and empathy. Share the advice you needed to hear. The content of&...
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  • Shadow Work Exercises: Gratitude List
    July 8, 2024
    Disclaimer: These are personal to me, this is my gratitude list. It is not your gratitude list. If you feel differently please make your own, respectfully. Thank you. 1. My spouse, my chosen family, and my cherished friends that mean everything to me 2. My former cats, alive and deceased; and my ...
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  • Current Reflections with Shadow Work
    July 5, 2024
    I am in the middle of doing the exercises from the Shadow Work Journal. I'm hopefully going to finish and post my answers before my 30 free trial days are up. I don't know if this journal will occasionally give me free trials, but I would definitely appreciate that to keep my OD alive. I…
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  • The Shadow Work Journal Exercises: Fill in the Blank Exercises
    June 30, 2024
    Part 1 Fill in the blank (pg. 34-35): I always feel like I'm the weird/intense/annoying/different one. Isolating/Doomscrolling/Playing Games/Keeping myself busy mentally by all costs is how I manage to escape. Games/Books/Crafts/Traveling/Being Outdoors/Talking to trusted friends brings me peace....
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