I'm a light-hearted and easy going 40-something devoted to my career, my family and my band of misfits (haha...friends). I enjoy cooking as an outlet for creativity, and only very recently have I learned about the catharsis of journaling. Welcome to my crazy life.

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A journey into Corporate Middle Management – 11.07.2018

November 8, 2018
Today was a good day.  I feel like there may have been a breakthrough of sorts.  To give a brief background on the breakthrough that I speak of, I must take you back to the fact that I just took a multi-faceted position with a large multi-specialty health group.  I am heading up a new…
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Recent Entries

  • What Does Kindness Even Mean?
    September 6, 2018
    Kindness, according to Wikipedia, is the behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern and consideration for others.  Kindness is considered a virtue and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions. What is kindness?  Well, that's easy to answer from ...
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  • I hate to use the word “hate,” but…
    September 6, 2018
    I am so angry.  Beyond angry.  At myself.  I believed for a moment that walking away without burned bridges was the right thing to do.  I believed that I had moved on, and that they had things under control...  I was wrong.  Very wrong.  So wrong that I can't even fathom how I could've continued&...
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  • The odds are ever in my favor.
    May 26, 2018
    I typically consider myself a pretty lucky girl.  It's going to sound hippy dippy, but I really do feel like the Universe "has my back."  I've learned with old age--I'm over 40 now--not to stress to hard about the things I can't control because I truly feel that things happen for a reason.  I've ...
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  • Living with a Tween.
    May 13, 2018
    As I sit here on the couch this morning, catching up on my cooking shows and relaxing with a cup of coffee, I reflect on Mother's Day and how much I love and respect my very own mom.  I've always loved and respected her, but now with a daughter of my own, who is very…
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  • An outlet for my frustration.
    May 11, 2018
    I'm trying to focus on the new job because it's great.  It's shiny and new.  My owners and my staff are all shiny and new.  Hell, even I'm shiny and new.  We love each other.  If we were a marriage, you could say that we're in our newlywed stage.  It's not without issues, sure, but…
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