I am one of the old ones, from before the shutdown.

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The end of the world is beautiful

May 11, 2024
I am parked on potato hill, north of town with the lights of Stockton, 15 miles further to the north. The lights of Stockton itself is a joke because there may be all of 10 street lights that are visible from here. The clouds are backlit my feet blow. How to describe it? it looks…
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Recent Entries

  • Take five; marker.
    June 18, 2022
    It’s two in the morning, and I step out of my office onto Main Street Small Town USA. I take a few steps, and take a deep breath. The air feels like being back in college in Arizona. It was 100° this afternoon, or hot enough that a few degrees either way doesn’t matter. It…
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  • So it happens.
    February 25, 2022
    I arbitrarily decided to stop working at 4pm so I would have time to run to my post office box, then to the banks before they closed, and then to Dairy Queen – which was a mistake, because it was still too much volume of food, too little nutrition of food, and except for the…
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  • Unexpected
    February 6, 2022
    Kimball couldn’t flip a switch if his life depended on it. Not that it could anymore, not could anyone’s. I had been hoping for a woman. A younger woman within good fashion; a woman whose pragmatism would overcome any deficit in my looks or age, in exchange for my skill set and even temperament. ...
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  • Texture of context
    January 29, 2022
    I was just leaving and stumbled upon an entry by an old-timer, from the original OD. She commented on how customizable the old interface was. It was really neat. Choice of colors, wallpaper, backgrounds, typefaces size and weights: the layout of a diarist's pages told you much about the diarist w...
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  • The wee early years
    January 29, 2022
    I was born in the year 1968, and that's all I'll say about that. Within about two years, I came to live with my family at Topeka, in a modest but well-appointed home on the southeast edge of town. The end of the 60s was a golden age of gaudi flocked paisly drapes in green…
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  • Infant-esible
    January 29, 2022
    For a long time as an adult, I could say that I remembered everything from my childhood. What I meant by that was from about the age of one-and-a-half to two years of age forward, I can remember quite abit of detail. Ironically, this also makes it hard to describe. I remember time spent in…
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  • Rememories
    January 28, 2022
    I wish I knew more about my mother's childhood. I would ask her, from time to time, and she only spoke in generalities. When she gave details, it was the same, few, select stories – trophy stories that we all share, except it seemed in my mom's case that these were all she had, like…
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  • Against All Things Ending
    July 6, 2021
    I look at moments, now. See them; experience them. Appreciate them. Appreciate the moment. Against All Things Ending is the title of the final novel in the final series of the Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, as authored by Stephen R. Donaldson. The protagonist is an anti-hero; a bitter and isolate...
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  • Wish There Were More
    June 14, 2020
    I remember running with you, creature of the night. Not in dark places, but under dark skies. We would dart in and out of the light. Past the houses... correction: past the homes, the places where others were. Voyeur in the literal sense when someone left a window open, a curtain pulled back, or ...
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