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I will never understand why

October 5, 2019
People strike up a friendship with me only to completely abandon me in a few months.Especially on the internet. Yeah he said "talk any time, I am always here for you, I will always make time for you." Now it seems as if he completely forgot saying those things. It hurt me so much that…
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  • #totw59
    October 3, 2019
    If I could invent something... a portable nebulizer for asthma that some how runs without batteries or electricity. Also some kind of shampoo or hair product that makes your hair stop growing at the length you want it to be. It is entirely too expensive to get my hair cut nowadays. Also for cars,...
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  • wrote a whole long entry about missing a friend…
    October 2, 2019
    And forgot to save it. Long story short, this is an internet friend. We were getting really close, then he started "dating" this other girl from the chat room He lives overseas in Australia, she lives in Texas. Not sure how that is going to work, but stranger things have happened. He barely talks...
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