a generation of panzies.

What happened to macho man?

What happened to running around, playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, whatever, and scuffin your knee up? Or falling off the jungle gym and getting a rock in your face, or playing on the merry-go-round and being dumb enough to jump off. yeah it hurts at the time. but you have a story to tell later.

This happens too often anymore… and it happened tonight again. I was minding my own business, facing my aisle, when a coworker of mine who has a kid in the same school I grew up in informs me that her child was in trouble at school…

So naturally, being the concerned conversationalist, I had to ask what for.

She said, "She was playing tag…" and like me, you would have probably expected more to that sentence. "She was playing tag and she got a little rough and faceplanted one of the kids," or "She was playing tag and she ran outside the playground," or you know – something that makes sense. But this was just simply she got in trouble for PLAYING TAG. What is this world coming too, when you cannot play the lifelong, oldest-game in the book at school?

What pains me even more, is that I know this world enough to almost see where their logic is coming from.

When she told me, I put my mangled can of peanuts I scrunched back down onto the shelf, and said, "Did they give you a reason as to the plausible evils of this very horrific game?"

Apparently people can get hurt playing tag.

At that point, I took the closest imaginary rope I could find nearby, and hung myself.

Let’s follow this logic, just a little while. Because I really want to. Let’s live in a world where potentially getting hurt should stop us from doing any activity.


I’m not going to drive anymore, because the potential for an accident is just too high.

I’m not going to talk anymore, because the potential for people hurting my feelings, you know — I can’t control what people say — so it’s best if I just shut up (I’m sure some of you would like that).

I’m not going to walk outside anymore, because the sun could burn me, the uneven ground could trip me, or a crazy mad man who plays tag could jump out of nowhere and tag me, and I don’t like people touching me.

I’m not going to watch TV anymore, because I could be offended and my feelings once again, get hurt. I don’t know how to take care of myself, nor do I want to subject myself to such horrors.

I’m not going to walk around in my house, because it gets cluttered, and on a day that I might be tired, who knows, I might stub my toe.

I’m not going to lay in my bed anymore, because if it gets ratty, a spring could bust through and lethally spike my back.

I’m not going to breathe anymore, because a polluted air molecule could make through my watertight door crack and search for my lung to taint.

Problem solver, I’ll just kill myself. Therefore no one can say they were responsible for any harm for me!


My head hurts.

We live in a world (Or at least the USA) is in such a state of being so afraid to offend people that I’m OFFENDED TO LIVE HERE! Gosh, if people aren’t the most whinest sensitive people out there, I don’t know who.

People sue other people for common sense things anymore, I can’t say one sentence without having to check what I say like it’s being said to the pope.

What happened to freedom in this country?

As if taking praying out of school wasn’t enough, now we’re not just attacking religion, we’re attacking FUN. Let’s take ‘tag’ out of the schools.

I’m sure you can’t even run on the playground too now.

Really, why don’t we just set up tables and desks outside for the kids, and have them have ‘outside class’ every now and then huh? Then the school doesn’t have to worry about some kid’s cheap, vindictive parent suing them for a little boo boo on their knee. (Awww.. poor boo boo…. Awww… poor knee.)

Don’t even get me started on this ‘everyone’s a winner’ theology. UGH.

I have to be up early in the morning, lucky for you readers.

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November 2, 2011

Wow. That makes me sad. What do kids do at recess then? Sit around? Man, no wonder we’re fighting obesity.