Sometime on Thursday

That’s what I live for. I can hardly wait for Thursday to arrive and by the beginning of Saturday, there are times when the dread of a new work week begins to creep up on me already. I try to put it out of my mind and most of the time I’m successful. During the summer I can spend practically a whole day watching cardinals, finches, sparrows, hummingbirds, squirrels, chipmunks and the like. I try to do as much as I can of what I do enjoy. I feel like I’m slipping into a bit of a depression. It’s complicated. Today on my way into work, tears started welling up. I was (and still am) SO VERY TIRED. I’m at the point in life where these rotating 12-hour shifts are killing me. Yet I feel like I could even manage that until I can retire, but now every other week (on my week of nights) I work jump shift so that by Thursday I’m practically working the day shift. I feel used up. Drained. Decades of pounding cement floors has netted me 2 foot surgeries, back surgery, achilles tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis in my feet and hands and probably a few more ailments yet to be discovered. I was reading a WebMD article about shift work. The World Health Organization states: “Shift work is probably carcinogenic.” That in itself was enough for me, and validation of what I’ve felt for a long time. When I was a 20-something young lady what did I know? It was a great paying full time job that offered a pension and medical insurance for retirees. I bought and paid for the dream. Worked hard, paid my dues and looked forward to being able to retire at 57. Here I am, pushing 60 with nothing left but my falling and rising (mostly falling) 401 and SS to look forward to and a tiny fraction of a pension from before my company got bought out and oh by the way and of course, if I do retire at 62 I can expect to be penalized plus having no idea how I will afford health insurance. So all summer I take pictures. Pictures of my dogs in the gardens, pictures of the birds on a wire above my gardens and pictures of chipmunks and squirrels scampering below the gardens. I take pictures of the gardens in every stage from early spring ground breaking to summer in full bloom. From sometime on Thursday to Sunday I spend as much time as I can outside, or at least doing something I enjoy, oftentimes feeling guilty for ignoring housework. But it’s never enough.

You’d think after a years absence I could come up with a better entry (more uplifting and positive?) than this but for the summer of 2013, this is where I’m at.

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August 16, 2013

(((((((BBe))))))) Willy of

August 16, 2013

So glad to see an entry from you but so sorry you can’t retire right now. I don’t know how you keep on keeping on. I know you’re way tougher than I am. Or maybe just more responsible. I’m glad you get to enjoy part of your week. That’s probably what keeps you going through the other part. Do we get to see any of the pictures? Love you,

August 19, 2013

Glad to see your name in bold today. 🙂 Big Hug babe.

August 20, 2013

I can so relate. there is a hug being sent from me to you. big hug. 😉