Tuesday 10/19/21

7:37am I got to bed at a decent hour, around 9:30 last night. I read for over an hour. I almost finished that second chapter before  falling a sleep. I had a fairly decent night with no arthritis pain and few incontinence episodes. Still I was tired and didn’t want to get out of bed when they came for me at five this morning. I was dressed and in my chair by 5:30.

Still, I was pretty tired. I felt like a zombie until they served breakfast. I had a good breakfast consisting of pancakes, a slice of ham and hot cereal. The coffee was nice and hot. They didn’t have chocolate milk so I had orange juice instead. I now feel awake and ready to go.

I feel good after coffee and breakfast. I have zero pain right now. I only had one incontinence episode. I had a good sleep and, thanks to the coffee, and a good breakfast. I am ready to face the day.

Chocolatechip called early this morning. She talked to me about her dreams. She woke up screaming help, help! Chocolatechip also said nobody bothered her last night. She said also that she has a doctor’s appointment at 9:30. She got up early to get ready for it.

We talked about different things.We talked about this one caregiver I had. This caregiver gave me a hard luck story. I gave her. $50. We we were going on about how unethical that was for aa caregiver to take money from a client. I think this happens need when we were on the outs one time.

So, I’m having a good morning. I’m above theIdirt. Life is good.

7:24pm  I had a very good day today. I read two chapters in Years of Renewal by Henry Kissinger. I have two more to go then I will be finished.  I didn’t think I could finish all of Kissinger’s memoirs because they were very thick, each about 1,400 pages long. At times I wanted to chuck it but I suck to my guns. It might not be a big thing to most people but I really feel  like I accomplished something.

Next up is a book by Stephen King called Billy Summers. Billy is a hit man. But he lives by a code. He only goes after bad guys. He is supposed to be on his last job but something extraordinary happens. This is all I know about the book from reading the hype. I love Stephen King and anything he writes must be good. I can’t wait to get started

Like I said I had a good day but I was frustrated. I was frustrated with this B&N Nook Mobile App on the iPad. It won’t let me purchase books using this device. I tried various solutions but none of them worked. I was very disappointed because another favorite author, John Grisham, came out with a new book. Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until next month when I can buy my own tablet.

Thinking about buying another tablet also got me frustrated. I hope to God I can afford one. I’m looking at one for $139.50 on Amazon. After I get myNovember SSI check I should have $790.00 available cash, I pay $474 for rent and the tablet cost $139.50. That leaves me with $176.50. I should be able to afford one but my financial planning hasn’t been going as planned thanks to unexpected surprises

I am also worried about Chocolatechip. She found out a lot of things about this “Keven” guy We knew he got evicted before because he assaulted his live in girlfriend. The girlfriend put in a restraining order and he was not allowed on the property. Also, he is an ex con. He has a temper and has been know  to pound his fists against a wall. Chocolatechip is worried that this guy might come after her to get revenge, Keven is supposed to be big on revenge.

I tried to tell her that he might not do anything. He cannot afford to be evicted again. He can’t afford to get I  trouble with the cops or he will end up in jail. I tried telling her not to think about it too much or she will end up sick. Kevin is right across the hall from her. It would be very hard not to think about him.

Supper wasn’t too good tonight. I had  Mac & Cheese with Cole slaw and stewed tomatoes. I ate the Mac & Cheese and the coleslaw. I wasn’t too crazy about it but I had something to eat. I tried to eat the stewed tomatoes but couldn’t stomach it. Oh well, at least I had something to eat.

Well I got through another day in the nursing home. I should be grateful I’m here and not at OT for that high rise has sure gone down the tubes. That is another entry.




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