Tuesday 8/9/22

4:03pm This has not been a good day. I was have been very depressed. I’m upset because I can’t gethelp from the Social Worker. I can’t get help from activities department. I spent $45 for the wrong type of SD card. It seems that nothing has been going right for the last few days. I’m just tired of it all.

I slept almost all day. Depression does that.  Still I didn’t get much rest. I had weird dreams. In one dream I vaguely remember having a dream about Wheeling. I was walking the streets in downtown Wheeling. In another I was dreaming about being someplace in my wheelchair. I was stuck on some stones. There was this kid who wouldn’t get out of my way. He started to push me into the street. I kept saying “All you have to do is step aside and let me be.” He wouldn’t set aside. Finially. we got in a fight. I hit him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain.i was pleased with myself because I won that fig

I also heard some news from my aide lat to get rid of the bad ones. She was saying MB might get fired. st night. The nursing home is hiring new aides and they want to get rid of the bad ones. So MB might get fired. I said I hope that doesn’t happen. She said MB shouldn’t be yelling at me. MB is the source of most of my problems with the nursing home. Still, I’d love hate to see her get fired. I do not wish harm on anyone and I know what its like to lose a job.

Haven’t done any reading today. My Kindle app started working again last night. So assume it is working  on today. I just been too sleepy to concentrate. Frankly. I just wanted to give everything a rest and shut down

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