
If you know me at all you know how stubborn I am.

I saw him this evening, and, of course, within minutes our clothes were off.
We were going at it for awhile, but there was a point, where I could tell exactly what he wanted…and I was uncomfortable with doing it. He didn’t say anything at that point, but I could just tell.
Continue. He finally makes a comment, and I said no. Continue.
He starts pushing me again, I push back, he pushes more, I push more, he pushes…I let him.

What the fuck.

I don’t really care that he pushed me into it. Honestly.
I’m not trying to be victimized “oh he made me do something I didn’t want to do”.
I don’t even really care that I did it. I thought I would, but I really, just, don’t.
There was a point where I would have, but I am so beyond that point.

I just, I don’t understand. As stubborn as I am, how I let certain people completely dominate me.

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