Moving Along

I have this strange feeling that Andy is seeing someone.
He hadn’t texted me since Christmas (he hadn’t even texted me first on Christmas, and he always texts me on holidays, I had finally texted him Christmas night). 
So I texted him last night, told him I missed him.
He responded, but completely disregarded the whole "I miss you" thing. Just said he "hoped I was doing well". 
I was thrown off by how cold he seemed and I didn’t really now what to say – so I just replied "…not particularly the response I was expecting…"
He said "Lacie, I miss you too. but we can’t live in the past. I don’t want to make it more than it is. ok?"

I wanted to respond with "oh. ok. I see. and I will definitely remember that next time you want naked pictures, or invite me to come visit, just so you can fuck me."
But I decided to be more mature and merely replied with "I didn’t realize that attempting to continue our friendship was considered living in the past."
And he said "I cherish our friendship and hope it lasts a long time. I just didn’t want to lead you to think there was more. That’s all."

queue tears

He’s over me.

I am fine. Though.
I know how much it will hurt, if I let it. So I just won’t.

I have to stop thinking about it now. Because the more I think about it, the harder it is to see the hurt that is there while keeping that wall up between it and I.

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January 26, 2012


January 26, 2012

And you just made room for something better.

January 30, 2012

do you have as much control as you say here that you do? I feel like you hurt more than you let on. I hope one day you’ll be able to live without walls and be you, and be happy. To say “i’m fine”, and really mean it. … take care