Eat shit pie my Guy

Why is it that ur the bitch or ur made out to be the fowl one once u decide ur done with his bullshit shenanigans?

Once u stand on what u said u were going to do eventually…now the narrative has changed in the story according to him…ur the crazy toxic one…ur the jealous one…ur the one creating issues? Shit…dude even pulled this one out of his lying ass…*U allowed her (the chick he was fuckin on n lying about) to run u off and that I’m a weak woman for it*

Wtf was I thinking…I say to my bewildered perplexed n fucked up self…I should continue to look the other way while they spend time and fuck with each other…that way he can have his cake n eat it too….YAH UM FUCK U! IMMA BE THAT CRAZY TOXIC BITCH NOW BY THROWING UP A PAIR OF DUECES WITH A STRONG FUCK THAT N EAT SHIT PIE BABE! 🖕🥧

I gave that mother fucker 13 years of my life…he ain’t getting 13 seconds more! 

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