
Too much to do! WAY too much.. and just as i was feeling completely comfortable, confident, and ready to excel at Wyndham Lawn, what do i do? leave?.. ugh!  Now i feel completely over my head, out of my element, irritated, overworked.. oh and really well paid..  yeah, well paid. 

that helps make up for it all.. =)

kinda… is it possible to feel homesick for wyndham lawn?

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September 15, 2009

Wyndham was a comfort zone…in time you’ll be comfortable in your new school. Not to mention more comfortable with your bigger pay check.

September 16, 2009

Yeah you’ll get comfortable at your new school. That’s a normal feeling when you start at a new place. Soon it’ll be second nature for you. Then you’ll be confident AND have that bigger paycheck! 🙂

September 16, 2009

*HUGS* You’ll get used to it!

September 16, 2009

you will be great once you find your routine 🙂 Just stick it out!!!!

September 18, 2009

Well paid makes things much easier to deal with…doesn’t it? LOL!! Congrats again…I’m sure in no time, it will feel like you’ve always been there.

September 18, 2009

Hello. I’ve just enjoyed reading several of your latest entries. I’m in Buffalo, too, but I’m a pre-K teacher in a private program. Bless you for taking on middle schoolers!