The monthly Fry-Up…

Italians are not breakfast-eaters.  Give us a cappuccino, and perhaps a cornetto (the Italian croissant), and we’re good until lunchtime.

But one of the vestiges that remain from my time in the UK is the occasional craving for a Full English Breakfast, a/k/a The Full Monty or a Fry-Up.  Once a month, and always on a Sunday, I indulge in this heavy, but oh-so-satisfying tradition.  My colleague Alfie maintains that a Fry-Up is the only reliable cure for a hangover.  I can’t attest to that, as I don’t get hungover, but the dish  is an experience that can set you right no matter what situation you may have gotten yourself into.

The requirements include:

Bacon & Sausage (both, not either)
Baked Beans
Grilled (broiled) Tomatoes
Fried Bread (not toast)
Eggs, Fried or Poached (a runny yolk is a must)

To this, add any or all of the following:

Black & White Pudding (to me, an absolute must)

One of these a month is probably all that should be consumed without permission from your cardiologist.  And after consumption, a brisk walk of a few miles with the dog is recommended, followed by an afternoon nap.  I forego lunch on Fry-Up Day, obviously.  And usually keep dinner simple.

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January 14, 2018

I’ve heard of this kind of breakfast, never had it

January 16, 2018

Oh, waw, that’s life. YEAH.