Home again, Home Again, Jiggidey Jig

*chucking to myself*  One of Mom’s  infamous sayings.

Freshly "home" (to Jawja) from a glorious visit to home–as in where i’m from, Ohio.

Walked in our front door to 110 degrees temp–in the house.  Now, mind you, we left the AC on 82, per usual.  ‘Nuff said.  We WERE–thankfully!– able to get my new AC man hero out to fix it!!

We made it home safe with the gorgeous antique china closet we bought last year…tiger wood, rounded glass…something i never even dreamt of owning!! 

Visited with Soph!!!!    She’s a goober and i love her!!

Picked up Tickles from the "doggie farm" where she was freshly groomed and sporting a pink panther bandanna. Sooooo happy to see us!!  And sooooo silly ’cause she was home!!

Woke up with this song we used to sing in church, repeating itself in my head.


What God Has Promised

God has not promised skies always blue

Flower strewn pathways all our lives through

God has not promised sun without rain

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain

But God has promised strength for the day

Rest for the laborer, light on the way

Grace for the trials, help from above

Unfailing symphony, undying love


Lots more to sort out…but for now, i’m outta here!

Blessed be, ya’ll!!


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