Watch me Graduate

*Edit- Apparently I was like drunk or something when I wrote this entry ’cause I messed it up real bad!  Firstly, graduation is next Saturday, May 30th.  It is at 1:00PM EST.  Second, even if you can’t catch it that day, they’ll have it online for several days after the event so you can watch it at your leisure!

You know how last entry I was hoping all of you could be there with me as I fumble across the stage and get my blank piece of paper diploma stand-in before tripping down the steps?  

Well, now you can!

If you log onto next Saturday at 9:00am and 1:00pm EST you can actually watch the graduation live.  So, it’ll be like you all are sorta there!  And you’ll get to hear Glenn Close’s luminous scripted speech.  

All I have to do for my portfolio class is get my business cards, flatbook, resume and letterhead printed out and put together my two demo reels onto a CD and I’ll be finished with that class.  I’m presenting this upcoming Thursday (ugh, that again) and all I have is one final dialogue animation to do for my other class and that’s due Monday.  My stuff will be printed out this weekend and the animation will be finished by Sunday night.  That’ll give me the rest of the week free to chill.  Well, I probably won’t be chilling as much as I’ll be cleaning and packing.  I can’t wait to go into the bathroom and tackle those turd streaks and stains courtesy of my turbo turd roommate since he hasn’t nor will ever bother to clean up after himself.

Hopefully I can relax a little bit today.  If the weather permits, I’d love to go back outside and walk around the numerous squares like I used to do when I lived in the historic district.  Ironically, despite my roommate from hell my first year here, I was sort of spoiled as far as location goes.  I lived in the historic district and everything was beautiful and within walking distance.  Now that I live in the ghetto, I don’t have the luxury of stepping outside for a leisurely walk anymore…that is, unless I wanna dodge bullets and bums.  

Unfortunately, the weather has been sketchy lately so I don’t know if I’ll be able to enjoy the Savannah sunshine one last time.  For example, the past two days have been cold and rainy.  What the eff, man.  What the eeeefff.  Rain is one thing but it’s been really cold as well!  I thought I was done with that shizza last quarter. 

Oh well, here’s hoping today is nice and warm and conducive to casual walks and one final bout of reflection before leaving here.

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