another wednesday down the pipes


 For some reason, the pants I’m wearing have weird stains on the bottom of them…

Ya know, besides the bleach stains that are already there, now there are weird "bird poop" looking stains. i’m going to try and wipe them off, but these are clean pants! wth!

I am bloated like crazy. My body  just hates me right now. If i’m not sitting perfectly upright, my stomcah juts out like a damn mountain and it’s just annoying as all get out.

I think I’m going to bed at like 8:00 tonight. I’m so tired. Baboo and I have been falling asleep at like 11 and it’s NOT GOOD. 10:00 is probably the best sleeping time for me, but we’ve been watching tv. Right now we are watching the first season of The United States of Tara. I always saw ads for that show and thought it looked stupid. But now I love it. ha ha.

Today is the farewell luncheon for my co worker. I was looking at the menu and it makes my head hurt. NOTHING IS WITHIN BUDGETARY RANGE. but I have to get over it. I’m ordering the cheapest thing on the menu. Some soup.


Oh well.

I’m a giant fatty mcfat anyway. ugh!

I’m gonna go try to clean the stain off my pants.

Oh! and a sick Bandit update. He’s not doing better, but he’s not worse. I sat with him and hand fed him yesterday to make sure he ate his medicine pill. He did alright. I can tell he’s gonna be a great dog when he gets back to normal. He’s already learning the "go to your room" command, which is what we say to Ceaser and he goes right to his crate. He is also very attentive and comes when we call him. He knows the morning drill of going outside and only really barks when he hears other dogs barking. I hope to break him of that before it becomes a bad habit. He still coughs a lot, but he should start to show signs of feeling better soon I hope!!!!

It’s funny because last night Mr. Nibbinz our cat was sleeping on top of his crate. That cat is crazy, he’s not scared of dogs, but he’s scared of new people. *shaking head*

Anyway… I guess that’s it for now. I need to go work on work, and then zombies, and perhaps some vampires.









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  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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July 21, 2010

Poor puppy 🙁 and my dog has taken in a kitten! She cleans her and let her suck on her and she for some reason started to produce milk for her…

I think it’s sweet that your cat likes the dogs, super sweet. I wish Winston liked Eris. I hope that Bandit starts to feel better soon, he sounds like a sweet heart. He looks like a sweet heart. I think it’s so great that you adopted him.

July 21, 2010

Cheap is good! I hope your puppy gets better! It always made me worry a lot when my puppy was sick. I hear you on nothing being withing the budget. I have a friend coming into town and staying with me friday and saturday (the one from the vegas trip), and I’m not looking forward to paying for drinks. I think I may just be the DD this weekend to avoid spending money, haha.

“Pound Cough” can take a little while to get rid of but keep giving Bandit pup his meds and it’ll be gone before you know it.

July 21, 2010

Hope the pup gets better.

July 21, 2010

I iz sowwy you iz all blimpy-bloated and das puppy iz all sickish. That sucks. But Tara does not suck- I loves me some Tara! Hurry up and get to Season 2- it gets crazier than crazy! 😀

I see that show on Netflix and I want to try it, but I am too caught up in Prison Break and Nip/Tuck right now.

July 21, 2010

RYN: THANK YOU SO MUCH. your words were so helpful and sad and helpful. i’m still sending the note – what have i got to lose? – and took part of what you said and threw it in there. hope you don’t mind. &hearts

July 21, 2010

I hate mysterious things. Especially when they shouldn’t be there. Acknowledges the rest of the entry.

RYN: Let me know if you have any questions about the charting thing! I had a pretty good grasp on it after doing it for a year. You can even record when you have sex and see if your timing is good or bad once you confirm ovulation. That was so helpful to me when I was TTC! Plus, when you do decide you are ready to try, you will be that much more prepared! Since your periods are coming later, I amwilling to bet that you are ovulating later than CD14. I will be interested to see if I am right!

July 21, 2010

My big fat cat is like that.

Hi Sorry to hear about your puppy-dog. However, sounds like he’s on the mend, especially with his mom hovering over him!