Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!

My title is such because I have that crazy song playing in my head.


Is it a song?

or did I make it a song?

I have no idea.

I’m gearing up for my extra 8 hours at the Flyaway. I forgot how busy it will be this week because of the holiday, but perhaps that will make time go by extra fast. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!

i can’t wait to give the cookies i made to the vanpool men. they will love me and ooh and aaah over me.

and i have enchiladas to share with all, more than i thought, so people should rejoice.

what else.





i’m trying to get ready for this long evening. I’m just glad I won’t have to drive much because I know I couldn’t take it! no no no!

no triple style! booyacka!

what the hell.

i’ve lost it. good. i didn’t want it anyway.

Ok, so i should just go. I’m writing this to burn time and it’s STOOOOOOPIIIIIIIID.

bleh blah blah.

Goodnight all.

fek it.




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November 21, 2006

it is indeed a song. Ice Cube did it back in the ’90s. seems like so long ago. hope everybody likes the cookies and enchiladas.

November 21, 2006

I want some enchiladas. Do they have meat in them? Would you make me some cheese enchiladas? Drool.

November 21, 2006

The lyrics to that song are just so ‘appropriate’ on so many levels. What’s up from a fellow Californian!

I’m jealous…coookies? Enchiladas? Mmmmm!!! I envy those that get to partake in such wonderful eateries! :-p

RYN: Heh heh – glad I make you laugh. Laughing means smiling and I enjoy that. 🙂 I especially enjoy how you think my relationship stuff is cute. Hee hee. As I know I’ve said before, I love your notes – keep ’em coming! 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Take care! 🙂

November 21, 2006

*callin all faves*

November 22, 2006

Mmmmmm enchilladas……………

November 22, 2006

I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m out of here shortly and won’t be back on OD-land until next week. So, hugs and Happy Thanksgiving. Muahz!!