Divorce Papers ready to be filed!

Well, I’ve completed the divorce papers. I found a "self help" walk through on a county website and there were a lot less forms than I remembered… and then I recalled that I had been trying to file a fee waiver the first time and that was probably why! Ha ha!

So those are filled out and I HOPE HOPE HOPE the people are NICE when I file tomorrow (need to go check when the courthouse opens!) so that when I say "He’s been out of contact for 4 years, I have no idea how to reach him or if he’s even in the country" they can give me some good advice. I’d really HATE IT if they say "oh well that’s too bad, can’t help you" cuz then I’ll cry.

I tried to find the address, but for some reason google lost it and I don’t know where I put the paper. I just want to do an ad in a newspaper (I hope they say 30 days like I read!) and be done with it. I don’t want to stress out about this anymore. He doesn’t deserve all that energy from me.

I was scared to put my address on all the papers, but if he does happen to be around to get served then I guess I can’t stop him from knowing where I live.

I’m glad we have a pit bull in the back yard… not that it’ll do much good.

I want my own dog.

A rottweiler or something. It’ll be nice and sweet and I’ll call her Killer.

ha ha.


I am really hoping God has mercy on me. 

I should be praying huh!

Anyway, the papers are done and copied and ready to go. I just checked and they open at 8:30 which is perfect. I can drop Baboo off at work and go right there after. I just hope it all goes smoothly. I can pay immediately and hopefully by the end of this year, it will all be over.

I’d be so happy if it was over by my birthday, but I’ll settle for Thanksgiving cuz then I can really be thankful! 

Anyway, I feel a tiny bit better after that, but the anxiety is still there.

Baboo and I are going to PF Changs tonight. I’ve never been there. But my addiction to ginger has me wanting a nice and delicious chinese chicken salad! Wheeee!

 Did I mention I saw Hot Coworker today?


We sat next to each other in training and he kept poking me to keep me awake.

oh that man.

Anyway, it just makes me want baboo more.

he better put out tonight.

Just sayin.

Well, work countdown is 2 hours.


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March 12, 2009

*cheers* Surely GOD has to take mercy on us at some point, yeh?

Good job getting the papers filled out, I know what a pain that is. I hope the courthouse people are helpful. I don’t know what state you’re filing for divorce in but when my ex husband filed in Ohio he filed in July and it was done by September 20th.

March 12, 2009

*hides eyes from laundry* I hate the laundry!

March 12, 2009

Good job on the papers. I’ll get all my fellow religion students to pray for you as well 🙂

RYN: I think you have the right idea

March 12, 2009

I dont think there is one single hot co-worker in my entire 4 story building. *sigh*

March 13, 2009

YAY DIVORCE!! lol..ryn: I wish we could hang out…x x

March 13, 2009