
Interesting day already.

Not GOOD… just interesting.

First thing I see in my e-mail is a message that the early retirement program they were trying to put in place to prevent lay offs and the mandatory furlough (days without pay) that would cut our wages by 10% is very close to being approved.

We should know by this afternoon what happens.

If it passes, it might be very likely that they’ll either reduce our furlough days (which would be very nice!) or eliminate them altogether (Even nicer!)!!!

It’s not a promise though and that’s the catch. They can offer this program all they like, but it doesn’t mean anyone or enough employees will take it.

but we’ll see.

I’d LOVE to not lose 10 % of my pay. I could survive just fine if they just leave my money alone! ha ha.

I don’t even mind paying a little bit more into retirement to cover it. It comes to like .75% more

… which is not much really.

anyway, we’ll see.

So last night was interesting too.

I came home and started making dinner (which my kids weren’t overjoyed about. I don’t know when hot dogs became nasty to children under 10…) and Baboo called me and said he wanted to go out (and he was paying! ha ha) so I said sure. So we went to this mexican restaurant we’ve been going to a lot.

I was not impressed by my selection. I should stick with what I know, apparently. I got this tamale that was more cornmeal than meat. There was like a bite of meat in the first and last bites and nothing in the middle.


And my taco was not carnita’s like I asked for, it was chicken.

whatever. Stupid restaurant.

I also got a mango margarita (it was margariat monday, and so it was only 2.75!)… which wasn’t blended very well and I had to forgo my straw and drink it regularly and kept getting mouthfuls of chunky ice.

did I mention I put on make up so I’d be cute for Baboo?

I am thinking maybe I don’t get made up enough for him and so in order to perhaps increase attraction, I put a "face" on…

well, it did NOT get me laid last night.

We came home, watched an episode from the anime series we have from netflix… and then he went to sleep.


I kept waking up and trying to molest him and get some nookie nookie… but no go.

He kept covering his goods and turning away and basically doing counter moves so I couldn’t even get NEAR it. He claims he wasn’t doing that and I didn’t let him sleep cuz I kept putting my arm around him.

Well fuck me, I didn’t think it was a big deal to cuddle. we always cuddle.

and he’s ALWAYS hogging the bed and the blankets, so it was a taste of his own damn medicine if  you ask me…

anyway, that was probably my last chance for any sex before my stupid period starts.


At least he was there.

I just wish our sex drives were in sync more often.

Oh well, at least I got some this month.


Anyway… in other boring news, I haven’t had a chance to lament over my Sims 3 not working since Saturday night because I haven’t played. I dunno. It’s a lost cause I suppose.

At least I have the game all ready for next year when I can get a new computer.


just BLARGH.

I guess I should go do work.

so I have a cup o noodles for lunch.

I’m REALLY not feeling it.

I do need some change for my kids breakfasts for the next 5 days… sooo I may end up getting a spicy chicken bowl and breaking a 20. shhh, don’t tell!

I need to pay my car insurance and sign up for my auto car payment thingie and yeah.

Maybe I’ll do that tonight.

Speaking of car, I haven’t heard from Wells Fargo. If I dont’ get anything by the end of this week, I’ll re-send the letter (updated to say I already sent one) and send it certified mail (I’ll just have to break down and get to a post office during the week) and see what happens.

Speaking of mail, I need to send my letter of inquiry about fucktards address. We’ll see what happens.

blah blah blah.

tuesday? really?

I thought it should at least be Wednesday by now.

oh well.

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June 23, 2009

Ah, that would be awesome! Fingers crossed for you! Kids are weird – hotdogs are awesome, I don’t care how gross they’re meant to be! Sorry about the lack of sex… boo to that!

June 23, 2009

I hope it goes through so they let you keep your money. That would be awesome.

June 23, 2009

omgwtfbbq <33. You like Ghost in the shell? yesssssssssssssssssssssss. Sex deprivation blows. No pun intended. Spicy chicken sounds good to me right now.

June 23, 2009

ryn – Transformers was ok… a bit long, too much action for my tastes, no where near as good as the first one. It was good for just switching your brain off, though. I’m taking a slightly broken camera with me (the display screen is static, so I just point and guess) because I have terrible luck with cameras, and always lose/break them – so hopefully I’ll have some half-decent pics anyway!

June 23, 2009

I was wondering what happened with your other car. You hadn’t talked about it in a while.

Holy moley your work situation is depressing. Seriously… good luck with it all!

June 23, 2009

Well… that’s not very fun of him… he should be jumping at that chance… he can sleep later 🙂