Glowing Ramen Noodles

You know it’s bad when you can just look at a ramen noodle and knows its perfectly cooked. they sort of glow and look translucent.

that was part of my lunch. damn, it was some good ramen. of course i was STARVING… and i had a little turkey sandwhich on a hamburger bun.

i shouldn’t have eaten ALL the ramen, but I did. it was too tasty. how odd is that?

ahh, the porn bowl just said “OHHH MY BEAUTIFUL CANDYYYY”

imagine that in a moany oh daddy take me now mmmmmm sort of voice.

you also know it’s bad when thinking about moaning in a sexual way gets you excited.

I need help.

anyway, i’ve decided to try and perseverre with my writing, but maybe scale it down to a smaller goal. maybe like a daily goal (I’m currently trying to work something out with another diarist who is also a nanowrimo slave) and so hopefully that will work.

i really want to finish a story. that would rule.

even if it IS lame.

i’ll go with my first idea and try ever so insanely to keep going. maybe after writing a few chapters it will capture me and take me away.

yessss. yesss… take meeee

haha, porn bowl laughed and it sounded like the springs on a bed.

jeesh, you sick perv!!!!!

Anyway, i’m going to put my nanowrimo stuff on my diary and people can pass those entries by if they like… i just need a steady place to have them where i can recall stuff.

this is hell.

why did i do this?

i want more ramen…

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November 4, 2003

You’re exactly right about the ramen. When they look that way, they’re perfect. Mmm. There, I like this entry much better. Write on. 🙂

November 4, 2003

perservERRE???? hahahhahah it did not say oh my beautiful candy you sicko hehehe

ramen is kinda scary, but it got me through 2 years of college. =) just write! don’t think about whether it’s “good” or not – just write!! one of my favorite quotes – “don’t get it right. get it written.”

November 4, 2003

mmm… i am hungry for ramen now. *makes mental note to eat ramen when i get home*

November 4, 2003

Calgon, take me awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

November 4, 2003

what is nanowriting?

November 4, 2003

*runs, cooks some ramen, and stuffs it into her mouth* mmmmmm..yummy

November 4, 2003

i love your entries any way you write them. i can’t wait to read more nanowrimo of yours.. (((HUGGLES)))

Is there any ramen in “porn bowl”….haha.. throw it at the wall and see if it sticks…NO!!! not the bowl!!!! hahahaha

OH MY GOD! I cant believe your youngest is that big already. I about choked on my diet coke when I saw him. They are so beautiful! My girls are doing great! Had a blast trick or treating and are still running me ragged. 🙂 Ah the joys of single parenting lol. Take care and of course you still on my favs!!!!

November 4, 2003

Hee! I so want one of those bowls now!!

November 4, 2003

You should stick with the writing for sure! I love reading it 🙂 I’m the same way with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that you sound like you are with your Ramen noodles 🙂 They take on that wonderful radioactive orange color when you’ve done the powder/butter (I NEVER use milk ~_^) measuring juuuust right! I’ll sit there and eat the whole box…it’s comforting!