I’m almost happy today… it’s a miracle!

Mandatory blah blah entry for my day.


I’ve been spending the last hour or so working on my story. My god it’s coming out of me like a wildfire and I love it. Granted, I don’t want to say that too often because then my stream will run dry, but for now, holy cow it’s one of the most alive things I’ve written in ages. It is just going in directions I wasn’t imagining at all, and it’s awesome.

Anyhow, i’ll post the next few sections today and I will definitely work on this one at home this weekend. Maybe I’ll get the coveted 35 k words too. time is going so fast i’m just hoping i don’t fail, because i know that I want to finish this story,a nd it may extend past the nanowrimo deadlines… but i want to get the 50k before the end of the month, but still finish it if it’s not finished by then. I have about 12,000 words now.

rock that in your casbah babies!

so yay! it’s friday!

i think i shall get piss drunk tonight and wiggle my boobies.

yes. they wiggle.

what else.

that’s it.

i’m boring.

i just want to write on my story.

i’m supposed to be addressing envelopes, but that can wait a few hours.

ha ha.

i’m gettin gpaid to write my novel now.

damn straight bitches and hoes. ha ha.

and answer the phone.

but i have a good temperment this morning.

woo haw.

i’m almost happy today.

imagine that.



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November 17, 2006
November 17, 2006

Well good! you should be happy!

November 17, 2006

Cool. See?…you’re writing yourself out of your doldrums. Reminds me of the book Any Woman’s Blues by Erica Jong. The main character was an artist – caught up in the blues over men, of course. In the end, she figured out that she had to “paint” herself out of her corner. It was the art that saved her. For you – the writing. Keep it up! Do they award prizes for this OD novel writing thingy?

November 17, 2006

I’m thinking about the drunk tonight. I won’t wiggle my boobies though. Well…maybe for you.

November 17, 2006

Woo hoo! While you’re wiggling them can you take a pic and send it to me? 😉 Hehe, have fun.