POPDIM YA’LL!!!! *pic*


 Well, I dont’ want to officially say I’m doing Dephomo (omo… omo… omo….)…

but I have to get some motivation to take pictures of my house and my kids and crap!

So I’m gonna do my own verision called "post pictures damn it" month.

which doesn’t translate well into a cute little word…ppdim…

pipdim? papdim? pepdim? POPDIM!!!!

that’s what I’m callin it!



The popdim for today is a picture of my bed… you know… where all the magic happens:

It only looks like that right after I wash the sheets. Otherwise… I am NOT a bed maker. I think it’s stupid.

Sure, it makes a room look nice and all, but I spend a lot of time there and making it is counterproductive when I know I’m gonna be snuggling down for a nap a few minutes after it’s "made"

ha ha.

The side closest is my side.

There is actually a window behind it, a giant wall of them, but they are like… painted over and then covered with that white insulation stuff… the room is really weird.

I’m sorta freakin out cuz we have six pillows. We used to have seven, but when we cleaned it got swallowed by the vortex (along with my ring box which I use to put my ring in when I’m cooking or cleaning) and it’s making me twitchy.

I can’t think about having demon pillows (6 is the number of the devil! It’s been ingrained in my brain since I was a child. There was this song titled "666" by this christian group that my dad used to play all the time and it had this scary video and it haunts me! haunts me i say!)…






tomorrow I will post a picture of the sparkly new television!

By the end of the popdim I should post a ditl…. aren’t you THRILLED?!!!!

Ok, I had some other shiz to write about, but it all left when I tried to come up with a  clever name for my photo a day endeavor….

poor broken brains…

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December 1, 2009

6 is a lot of pillows we have 4 and then one on the chair as extra.. not sure why i never use it.. maybe T does.. *ponders*

when do we get to see pictures OF the magic happening???

December 1, 2009

My daughter would say 6 is good b/c its even.

December 1, 2009

I’m jealous of your nice big bed. It looks so comfy! Mine is just a double. I was thinking how lucky you are for having a window right behind it. That’s odd that it’s covered up. I don’t see the point of making the bed either.

PoPiDaIt…….nope, yours is better….hehe….

December 1, 2009

I stole the pillow.

December 1, 2009

ditl? I spy Baboo’s arm!

December 1, 2009

mmm… black sheets…

LOL I agree with Hoops!

December 1, 2009


December 1, 2009

🙂 Lol. I like your black bed sheets and pillow cases.

December 1, 2009

I’m not a bed maker ether – what’s the damn POINT?

December 1, 2009

lol i like the idea of popdim better than dephomo so im going to do it too lol

December 2, 2009

I really like the headboard