the truth is out!


 yes yes, Baboos real name is William.

He’ll probably be mad at me for slipping up again (I actually did before and changed it before it had been read by too many people).

and I actually do call him Baboo in person (along with William when he’s being bad or when I want his real attention, ha ha) and he also calls me Sally a lot more than he calls me Monique. I feel weird when he calls me Monique, odd huh?!


so yeah. whatever blah.

so i just had lunch and I was forced into having a ribeye steak. lol. I was going for the cheeseburger but my supervisor (who was treating us) was like "Don’t get htat! You can get a burger anytime! Get thes teak! I want to try it! GET IIIIIITTTTT!!!" ha ha, so I did.

It was quite tasty and I have some left overs! wahoo!

baboo is officially ruining my morning now!!!

I was expecting to have to get up and take my kids to school and be done with it, but NOW I’M GONNA HAVE TO DRIVE HIM TO WORK.


makes me sick. It sucks an hour out of my day and then my morning is gone and blah blah blah. I’m such a whiney bitch. I’m sure he’d drive me to work if he could.

so i need to shut up.


now i’m pissy.

gonna go do some "work" or whatever.

i have to pee.


Log in to write a note

lol, i’m thinking if i was him, i’d prefer william to baboo!

December 17, 2009

I caught it the last time.. but it’s weird you actually use his real name. He’s Baboo to me.

He’s baboo to me too! I miss e-mailing you! 🙁

Its always weird when hubby calls me Amy.

I love his name. The first time I was quite confused, but then I was like *duh*. Eric calls me ‘Kitty’ and it is strange when he yells out ‘NIKI!’ Its like augh, what did I do?!

December 17, 2009

Darned William. 🙂 So do you introduce him to people as your sweet Baboo?

December 17, 2009

Wow, what a nice boss!

December 17, 2009

I’ve known it as William for a looooong time. hehe. He also used to just be W! I definitely stopped privatizing Gerson as much, and he prefers that I DO use his real name.

Yeah… I’m not gonna lie, I picture him more of a Baboo than a William. Willy? lol I call Phill -Philly Willy- sometimes.

December 17, 2009

haha I didn’t read fast enough to tell you this time!

December 17, 2009

Oh and I was totally watching Charlie Brown the other day and thought of you guys 🙂

December 17, 2009

I tried to ask in that private note if you meant to call him by his real name. But I think when I left it you may have been on your lunchbreak. Yum steak is good. I like it with cooked onions & mushrooms.

December 17, 2009

Oh Noes! The gig is up! We’s busted!

December 17, 2009

“Oh and I was totally watching Charlie Brown the other day and thought of you guys :)” [simply..beautiful] Awww. 🙂

December 17, 2009

You ever notice guys named William tend to prefer nicknames? Mine sticks with “Bubba”.

December 18, 2009

Oh my! I nearly missed this sneaky bit of information. *stores it away for future stalker activities* muuhaha. I want a steak. And a cheeseburger. yes, I can have both, shut up.