Weekend Review + Magic Bullet Uses

Early Morning Things

*I’m tired. 

*My Baboo took me shopping for  clothes on Saturday. I got two pairs of jeans and a bunch of really cute tops. I am wearing one right now and I feel pretty. My Baboo spoils me! I’ve never had that. He is the best. I try my best to spoil him back too!

*The party sucked (as you know if you read the previous). I don’t even know if I want to rehash it all. Blah to people.

*I’m tired.

*We set up the pool this weekend. I have a few pics to share. After talking with my kids and my brother, the punishment they were going to experience was reduced (my brother has just as much drama in his veins as the rest of us do!) and they got to play in it. I sat in it for a few minutes. It was refreshing. I shall sit in it again. Oh yes.

*My god I’m tired.

*Baboo and I watched "Green Zone" last night. Baboo got a new sound system for his tv so we wanted to try it out. It is awesome. There is something to be said about having the floor rumble when you’re watching a movie and something explodes. However, "Green Zone" was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in a while. I hated it. The plot was stupid and anyone who equated it to the Bourne movies needed to stop smoking crack. I did not like it and it gave me nightmares about war all night. It was definitely one of those "I’m going to tell you my political agenda and thinly mask it with a movie"… whatever. I would not reccomend it unless you want to waste almost 2 hours of your life on stupidity.

*No word from the publisher and on Tuesday it will be three weeks since I sent my story in. I would say my hopes are at about 20% that I’ll hear back from them at all… and about 5% that I’m accepted. You know what I’m also afraid of? Having my story stolen outright. If I see that book I might have to pick it up and make sure my shit isn’t in there. BLAH!!!

*sleepy. me. yes.

*I used my Magic Bullet on a crapload of stuff! Including:

 A really yum coffee drink. I just need to tweak the ice ratio and get some whipped cream and it tastes just like a frappucino!!!!

A super spicy salsa type spread. I put an entire GIANT jalapeno in it and that was a MISTAKE. But hot damn, it was tasty. I put it on some chicken tacos. I’m going to use it as base "paste" for sauces, though. I froze it and I’ll just scoop out a small amount to put in stuff and it’ll be awesome (recipe involved tomatoes, onions, and pepper. Needs some cilantro and lemon juice I think)

 Adding secret veggies to my spaghetti sauce. I ground up like 10 baby carrots and put them in my sauce. I also used it for grinding up the garlic and a few hot sausages which I added to the ground beef as an experiment. It came out really yum (I baked it with some penne, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese like a lasagna bake) and I served toasted crusty bread (which nobody in my family appreciated I don’t think! I loved it!) and it was delish!

*side note*  Baboo got me a chopping machine (Like a slap chop) for my other veggies now. So I can not have onion hands when I cook!

So yeah, I’m using the MB for sure. I didn’t get a chance to try and make my Mojito Slushee, but I’ll probably do that next weekend with my Fourth of July celebratings!!!! (Funny, I convinced my step mom and dad to get a magic bullet. I’m a good salesman! Maybe I should do an infomercial!… I actually stopped to watch it this weekend. They need to disclaim that this thing PULVERIZES everything. You can’t DICE with it, it’s not for that at all. I had that impression. But yeah, I love that machine)

Ok, me and my tired butt are finished now.

Gonna go find some work to do and eat some crackers and turkey (on the weight front, no gain, no loss. I guess that’s alright. I pigged out this weekend!)

Back later lovelies.

Have a great Monday!


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  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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I have a magic bullet, too, and that shit is just awesome! Now I want a slap chop. Hahaha.

June 28, 2010

“Green Zone” was very underwhelming. I semi-enjoyed it for what it is but, really, it’s a pretty shabby effort.

June 28, 2010

I’d be worried about anything I write being stolen as well. Fortunately you have plenty of people on OD who can vouch for you as they previewed the story for you.

June 28, 2010

slap chop?? Sounds like a martial arts move from the 70s.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

June 28, 2010

everytime i see magic bullet i think of a sex toy lol.

I might have to invest in one now. . .

June 28, 2010

heh.. I can’t help it… In my brain, Magic Bullet=Silver Sex Toy… it will never equate to anything other than that… so every time you mention it, I snicker like Beevis and Butthead.. heh hehehehe heh.. she said bullet.. heh heheheeheheeh she said she used her bullet on stuff.. heheheeh.. heh, she loves her magic bullet she said.. heheeheeh.. she used her magic bullet for grinding, she said..

June 28, 2010

Magic Bullet…giggle..I thought we were talking sex toys!


June 28, 2010

I <3 my magic bullet! I make butter in mine lol <3 Annie-Rae

June 28, 2010


June 28, 2010

hehe you’re making me hungry!

June 28, 2010

I’m with the other noters! Every time I read ‘Magic Bullet’ I keep thinking of a sex toy. Hahaha!

June 28, 2010

is it the real legit MB or the knock off? we have the knock off.

I was all like “WOOOOO! MAGIC BULLET USES!” until I realized you were talking about food. I agree with all the other noters… bullet = sex toy! I is tired too!

June 28, 2010

I HATE my dollar-store Slap-Chop knock-off, but that’s me. My wee lil’ one-cup food processor, though? Love love LOVVVVVE it! Made chicken salad today. Made triple chocolate coffee fraps with Val on our trip. I think I may have saved them a ton of money by introducing her to that!

June 29, 2010

I went to the store on Saturday and saw a magic bullet. I thought of you. 🙂

New clothes and tasty Magic Bullet foods rock!!