
Friday I met that guy that i’d been talking to for about two months. What a waste of time talking to him has been. We had a quick meet at Tim Hortons, and I told him I wouldn’t be able to stay long. (Thank God!)

We were there for about an hour, and it was brutal. The guy was ridiculously racist and rude.

He told me that ALL Muslims are out to kill us, and take over Canada. That they come here, don’t work and just want to rape and kill us. He believes they’re all extremist. He told me that as a Christian I should be out to save Canada and get on board with banning them. That just because i’m a Christian I don’t have to love everyone. My response was “Love thy neighbor, it’s literally in there”.

He told me I must vote liberal, and I told him that I didn’t and that I’m for the most part a conservative, but I don’t go by that anymore and it would depend on who is running. He told me I can’t be a conservative, that i’m so liberal. I replied with “not all conservatives are racist, and white”.

He also had the nerve to tell me my son shouldn’t be in hip hop. That it was no place for a boy, and that I need to make my son a man and hip hop would make him a pansy and possibly gay…..

I want my hour back. I want my texting time back. Though this does make a hilarious online dating story.

I can’t believe that in the 60 minutes we were together, this is what we talked about. Though a part of me is grateful for how bad it was, and that I didn’t waste any more time in him.

Also he sent me pictures that must be 20 years old. He looked so young in his photos, and in person the guy looked 50. way to lie about your looks buddy. way to lie.

needless to say I will never talk to that guy.

I also had to block him from texting me because he kept sending me articles about how Muslims are terrorists …. UGH!

OH right, and he is against taxes he says it’s theft. He also is against universal health care. He thinks its ridiculous he’s paying for other people’s health care. I responded with.

“You know I don’t know that guy in Alberta or that little girl in Nova Scotia, but i’m so glad my taxes are paying for their chemo therapy, because I am not an asshole”


one hour! one hour! and this is how brutal our conversation was.

well that’s my dating life.

peace out.

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April 9, 2018

To be fair, it’s Canada 😅

April 9, 2018

oh geez that’s horrible – so sad that there are people like that in the world.

April 9, 2018

…and I thought we were a developed world who had gone beyond ridiculous statements. Europe in places is the same…

April 9, 2018

Girl, you dodged a bullet! At least he showed you that he was an asshole before you managed to fall in love with him.

April 9, 2018

Dude… ouch… damn that sucks. At least ’twas sooner than later but damn.

April 11, 2018

Sounds like it was a productive date. I mean.. He’s clearly a piece of shit to be avoided, and he was quite helpful in illustrating that very clearly in a bunch of different ways, just in case you had any lingering doubts. Not really time wasted, since you learned stuff.

Are you sure he’s not American  I’m certain I’ve met that guy.

Oh,shit. That’s right. I have met that guy. Or, ya know, a whole bunch of versions of that guy.

It’s almost funny, in a way. I mean.. If he were a character in a movie or book, he would be by far the most boring, one dimensional dipshit character. But this dumbass is actually a living person. And there are millions of exact replicas. And he had to live his life like that. Advertising his ridiculous simple mindedness for all to see. I’d pity them if they weren’t such useless pieces of shit. At least most of actually form our own opinions about things, and realize we’re not the smartest person in the room, and don’t have all the answers. Imagine being so slow and simple that you actually believed you were right about everything all the time. And that of all the races and nationalities and endless possible genetic combinations, you somehow landed in the exact perfect one. It’s almost impossible to comprehend being that flat out dumb. He had to live his life like that.

As much as anxiety and self consciousness and fear sucks, aren’t you really glad you’re not another dimwitted, narrow minded piece of shit?

April 16, 2018

Gotta love online dating!  I have some similar stories.  It can be so disappointing, but also quite comical! LOL