One big happy Weasley family! (NO SPOILERS)

So the book comes out Saturday and I’ve pre-ordered it and it’s supposed to be delivered to my apartment Saturday by UPS but I won’t be there!!  UGH!  Actually this year with this being the last book, I had ever intension of going to a book store at midnight to get it but then my parents brought up going to Memphis and I couldn’t turn them down.  That means I won’t get to see the book until Sunday and that’s if UPS leaves it at my door an no one else steals it.  If they don’t leave it at my door, then I have to wait til Sunday!  I think I’ll go crazy.  It’s so hard not to go on the Internet and find spoilers.  I hear has mailed their books early and people are posting pictures of the pages out there.  I’m so tempted to go look…just to see if Harry dies.

Actually, I think the Harry dying thing is over blown.  I keep hearing that he has to die because in stories like this, the hero always sacrafices himself.  But I can’t think of a single story like that right now.  I don’t think Ron or Hermione will die either.  I mean Luke survived at the end of Return of the Jedi as did Han and Leia.  All of the Fellowship (with the exception of Boromir who died at the end of the first one) survived at the end of Lord of the Rings.  I think of the other fantasy series that I have read….The Fionavar Tapestry, they all survive at the end.  The Belgariad and The Mallorean…they all survive.  Ok, Vanyel dies in The Last Herald Mage, but other than that…seriously, Harry, Ron and Hermione will live and we will get one big happy Weasley family.  Harry will marry Ginny and he will finally have a family of his own.  Ron and Hermione are destined to be together.  Afterall, the prophecy says that neither can survive while the other lives so if Harry finds a way to kill Voldy, then there is no reason he has to die too…unless of course he’s a Horcrux himself…but I don’t want to think about that right now.  He’s not…or if he is, he’ll find a way to kill the part of him that is Voldy’s soul without killing himself!  I need a happy ending damnit! 

One thing really stood out to me at the end of the movie of Order of the Phoenix.  Harry’s power that the Voldy knows not is love…the fact that Harry is capable of loving and of having people love him.  I bet that plays a huge part in this story.  It’s somehow love that will conquer Voldy.  I just can’t figure out how.  Can all the people who have loved Harry that he’s lost, his parents, Dumbledore, Sirius all come back and help him kick Vody’s ass?  And what’s the whole thing with Harry having Lily’s eyes?  I’m afraid that it’s going to be something cheesy like Snape was in love with Lily and that’s why he helps Harry.  As much as I hate Snape, I am convinced that he’s a good guy…wait wrong word…not a good guy…but on the right side.  I think HE will be the one to die…to somehow sacrafice himself to protect Harry.  He’ll be redeemed.  That’s about the only way I could ever not hate Snape.  But there are two deaths.  I can’t think of who the other is…except Voldy of course.  But I don’t think Rowling meant that when she said she killed two main characters.  Who’s left?  Hagrid?  Lupin?  One of the Weasleys?  The only Weasely I’m willing to lose is Percy.  The rest?  Nope, not allowed ot die! 

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July 19, 2007

i am queuing up in romania tomorrow night to get it! lucy and i will read it together on the car ride back . . . so excited! 🙂 i’m not going to look at photos of harry potter . . . I WON’T!

July 19, 2007

Don’t worry, Harry doesn’t die. I’m not certain about Ron and Hermione, though… Harry does get a family, but it’s not in the words i described. That fake epilogue is so poorly written, it would break my heart if it’s true, because it would mean that Rowling had turned stupidcrazy. Eighteen hours and some change to go!

July 19, 2007

Have you read “God’s Debris” by Scott Adams? If not, it is a short read and I would really like your opinion on it, so if you would, could you write an entry on your thoughts on it so that I may read it? The link is located at the top of my second entry. Take as long as you’d like. Thanks

July 23, 2007
