23rd Week of Pregnancy

I remembered my measurement of my tummy of 18 weeks at around 32", now my tummy measured at 34.5".

So far havent record any changes since pregnancy, think i should start recording now.
1. The hair on my tummy seemed more obvious..
2. Can see light pigmentation across my tummy to the belly button
3. My belly button that used to be deep inside, is push out, "losing 1/2 the depth", there are some pigmentation ard the belly button as well.
4. Long eye lashes! Even the lower eye lashes seemed to be more. 😀
5. Very dry skin, until my face can peel.. investing more on night creams
6. Knee caps ache at times
7. Cravings – McDonald or Sin Sin Garlic Chili, best to go with French Fries.
8. Had a lot of werid dreams
9. Highest records of waking up to go pee at night – 4x. :p
10. Realised that I can’t even squat down without support now, somehow fell on my butt. :p

Waiting for my next checkup to see BB next Thursday.

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