Cat day (with a hooray-type edit)

I thought last Saturday was cat day, but it was not.  We met Emily, but she just wasn’t a good fit.  She was friendly, but didn’t like being held or cuddled, which is what we want in a cat.  We also met a near-perfect cat named Bobbie, but she caused Bryan ridiculous allergies, so that was a no-go.  🙁

I decided to branch out a little and try some other adoption agencies around the valley.  I found one with thirty gatrillion cats, and they’ve matched us to one named Cougar that should prove to be a good fit.  He’s about 7mos old, black, and "the friendliest cat you’ll ever meet."  The adoption agency is going to bring him by our apartment tonight to see if he’s a good match.  I hope he is!  It’s really hard to keep cat-shopping and run into cats that aren’t quite right.  I’ve definitely set the bar a little higher after having Dyrim.

My life is pretty standard at the moment, which isn’t to say that nothing happens, just that I’m extra happy in my routine.  Riding on Saturday was extra-deliciously good.  I jumped almost all of my jumps perfectly, and am really starting to get the rhythm of it.  Jasmine doesn’t get mad at me when I do jumps incorrectly, because I haven’t been doing them incorrectly!  I had movie night Saturday night, which was also fun.  I like having my friends over to watch movies!

I was in a meeting at work yesterday.  I’ve developed the habit of writing down everything that’s said so as to keep myself awake in those.  As I was midway through writing something disparaging about BossBoss, she noticed my copious notes and asked if I wouldn’t take minutes for the meeting.  I actually had to start writing down useful things!  *puts hand to forehead and faints dramatically*  Oh well, it probably serves me right.

I also went to dinner with my parents last night for my uncle’s birthday.  My dad was pretty drunk, which was very frustrating.  Bryan strategically placed himself between the two of us, which was for the better.  Bryan’s pretty good at preventing me fighting with my dad.  We were both pretty eager to be out of there, though.  My dad is hugely unpleasant when he’s drunk.

Today is cat day.  😀

Edit:  BossBoss got really mad at me for reading my book.  She told me "work time is for work," which is great in theory, but when you don’t give someone work to do, it comes off as a little hypocritical.  In a rage of frustration and boredom (perhaps I also should not have brought my Rubik’s cube to work?) I opened my e-mail in an attempt to look busy.  Delight of delights!  I have been accepted into the University of Washington.  It makes it much easier to not care about this job, because I’ve been accepted into at least one graduate school, and I will be kissing no more asses come fall semester.

Wage slavery should be outlawed.

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January 12, 2012

happy cat day to you.

January 12, 2012

Happy Cat Day! :3

January 12, 2012

What do you do for work? I asked ‘where do you work’ at first, but that sounded stalkerish? hahs

January 13, 2012

ryn: Yup! I had to look it up, but the VHS came out November 22, 1992. Crazy!

January 13, 2012

I started buying books on googlebooks so it wouldn’t be so obvious I was reading. RYN: I’ll have to check out The Dispossessed. I really like some of Leguin’s work, like The Word for World is Forest and the Earthsea novels. The quote is from the intermissions in Time Enough for Love, which were also published as The Notebooks of Lazarus Long. I used to describe it as my “Bible”.