28 th meeting in Toast Master

  It has been a couple of months since I got together at Busan Toast Master where I meet up people in variety and learn mutual communications through 2 and 3 mins speech. At 28th meeting I was so glad to meet new and old members again and to talk about the issues Amy in charged of Treasurer introduced transgender and sexual preference in . It was taboo to mention on bisexual and homo in over old generation from baby boomers. At any rate I was much moved by what we have volunteered to present individual topic before members without delaying and shying.


  Before getting to know Toast Master I was curious on how to speak and communicate with people briefly without any trouble which would happen all the time. Speaking logically and fluently needs more trials before people I never met before. It is kind of persuasion to get people wake to follow speaker’s intention. I read the books by Dale Carnegie to get over worrying on the futures happen me. After reading his books I got that our life depends on what we make up our mind. It is not easy to get accustomed to the ways Late Mr. Dale introduced but whenever I am worried and in trouble; I remember what I read in his books.


  This year I already made resolutions to keep forward. First of all I get to reduce time meeting people on the mountains over the weekends. I am already able to enjoy by myself the Mt. around towns. Whenever I meet them I could not help joining in and have much time in private parties after hiking. There are not much years away from retiring, for long I had forgotten what I went to the destination depends on my will. From this year I will spend much build up the potential energies will save much time for making decision on what will happen.


   Personally I am so happy to know people in O.D where I could learn the cultures and thoughts in different countries. Even people in O.D are different in varieties, we are looking for same things in our life to help and care each others.

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April 26, 2006

“Personally I am so happy to know people in O.D where I could learn the cultures and thoughts in different countries.” That’s interesting. I was just the thinking the same thing today, before I read what you had written. In the world before the internet, we would have had little firsthand experience communicating with those from other parts of the world.

June 22, 2006

I have met numerous amazing people through OD. It is wonderful and a lot cheaper then airfair to be a foreign exchange student! Haha. Take Care. ~Brooke

July 7, 2006

Hi, I found your diary and i just wanted to say, I visited Pusan a few years ago, and I loved it. I used to live in Seoul, but every once in awhile I needed to get out of the city and see something new, and it was refreshing to find a beach in Korea!