Stuck between two good friends :(

Tonight wasn’t a bad night. It was quite good actually. Well, minus the part where Melissa got all pissy about Ben….

(**SIDE NOTE**) You see, there was a time not too long ago where Ben and Melissa would flirt with each other. Then Melissa finally got the balls to actually confront him on the situation. They had a "serious talk" and both left with good intentions in mind. (Or so I’ve heard).  From Melissa’s standpoint, the talk ended in more of a "Yea let’s hook up" type of ordeal. And Ben was supposed to "definitely give her a call" on Sunday, and he definitely did not. So she was confused; and every time we hang out together with him, she feels like she’s getting mixed signals. Blah blah blah.

The night started with Mel and I heading out to Tim Horton’s, and from there we went to Kayla’s, and from there we picked up Ben, and went back to Kayla’s.

While we were there Ben and I ganged up on Mel (which we usually do) and he proceeded to spray her with perfume many, many, times. Which is why, I guess, she got into a pissy mood. Everything just snowballed from there; she ignored Ben basically for the rest of the night.

The only thing I don’t understand about her side of the thing is why she gets pissy and ignores him / acts like she’s mad at him. Because before the whole "serious talk" happened she told me

1. If they have the talk and nothing comes of it, then she’s cool with it; the friendship is still intact.
2. If they have the talk and something might come of it, then that is an added bonus.

So basically, nothing has come of it. So why bother pushing for something that might not be there? I’m not saying she shouldn’t push for it, but if it’s going to make you miserable then what exactly is the point? It starts to put a damper on the other people around you (ie. ME!).

Like, especially tonight. I felt like I was in between the two of them, sort of like the "middle man". I was trying to talk to her about it, and at the same time give normal attention to Ben. But it’s hard. I found myself acting like somewhat of a bitch towards Ben, even though he really has done nothing… ugh!

I wish, for my sake (which is really selfish), that they would hurry the hell up and figure shit out!


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August 1, 2005

I hate those situations, It is ridiculous, if they wanna hook up they should do it soon, instead of beating around the bush, and if not, deal with it and move on. I think Melissa really likes him and does not want to give up on him, but it does suck for you cuz your right in between it all. Hopefullly things will work out soon Michael