*insert a nasty word here*

I am so totally burned out.

I hate the end of school year time – giving the kids their final grades, listening to them beg, whine, complain when they don’t get what they would want to… then trying to explain to them why they don’t deserve the best grade. All in vain.

I’m expecting some parents to show up soon, as well. For the entire school year they don’t give a shit about their kid’s grades, they never show up at meetings, they never bother to even answer a phone when I call to warn that their son may not be promoted to the next class. And then, in the last week of school, they appear out of the blue demanding explanations and accusing ME of not doing enough to help their beloved child. The same child who spent the entire year sleeping in the last row, or playing on his cell phone, or who simply refused to show up at school at all. But hey, it is always the teacher’s fault. It is my fault that they are lousy parents, that their kid knows crap about manners and respect for elders, that the only thing he is able to produce a full sentence about is beer. "Beer be good" kind of sentence, I mean.

There’s the paperwork to be done as well. Tons upon tons of papers to be produced within just a week or so, because the requirements got changed, because the Ministry of Education here doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do with the crap that is called public education system… Now they demand that each and every single one teacher produces their own teaching program for the entire education process at a given school, that for me lasts 3 years. They don’t give a damn that for every good and Ministry approved coursebook specialist prepare such plans and that these plans are following all possible rules and regulations. Nope, I have to write my damn own, 60-70 pages long, detailed program. Well, I am sorry, but they don’t pay me enough to make me do such idiocy. Not gonna lose sleep to produce that monster within a week, so I will simply use one of those ready made programs, just adapt it slightly, and I don’t give a damn if it is right or wrong. I earn less than the lady who is mopping floors in my school, so maybe she should be the one write that program.

Ugh. Sorry for all the bile. Just had to get it out of my system.

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