


It seems like every time I sit down to write an entry lately, something else gets in the way. Ben was sick for two days with a fever of 102 and diarrhea, which meant I was changing his diaper every fifteen minutes. Not the most fun time I’ve had as a parent, but not the worst either. I’m just glad he’s feeling better. Right now he’s stretched out on the couch watching Dora and trying to put himself to sleep. I fought with him for two hours, now I’m letting the TV have a turn. Aaron’s out playing pool at the bar (it’s free pool night), but he’ll be having a turn when he gets in.

My mom did end up having a heart cath done last Friday. No blockages were found, thank goodness, but she still has to undergo some tests to explore why she’s been having (they think) miniature heart attacks. In the morning I have to take her back into town so they can do an ultrasound on the entrance site wound; she’s having some issues with it and her doctor thinks it may been an aneurysm.  I’m going just in case she needs someone to drive her home or she needs admitted.   It’s going to be a long day for me, because I’m supposed to be at work at 12:30, but I guess I’ll just go in to work as soon as I can. 


{Insert pause for me to carry Benjamin to bed – glad that little booger’s finally asleep~}


I’ve been working my way through my Mission 101 list for over a year now, and I’ve been making okay progress on it, but I had an idea for another list.  I think I may write up a 101 list with nothing on it but craft and DIY projects.  There are a LOT of crafty ideas and want-to-dos floating around in my head, and I think this would be a good way to organize some of them.  If I decide to do it, I may also blog about it, but I’m not entirely sure about that.  I have a hard enough time keeping up with other things, let alone another blog, but we’ll see.  I have this big itch to make clothes and curtains and hand painted yarn and a million other things, and really, I wish I had a craft studio big enough to keep up with all of my ideas. 

Last Saturday I had a big ass family portrait session in 90 degree weather.  At noonish.  It was the most fun ever.  (Oh, sorry.  Didn’t mean to drip sarcasm everywhere…) The shoot was one that had been prepaid since before Christmas, and at the last minute the wife (the sister of one of my high school best friends) decided to add her husband’s newly found birth family to the session.  So, I had four adults, six teenagers and a cranky, crying two year old to work with.   Portrait work is so glamorous!  *snort*  I ended up being late to work because the wife had so many shots she wanted me to work in.  I hate to say she’s probably not going to be happy that more than 75% of them have to be cut out because she chose to only pay for one session. 


One of my friends from the home birth meetup group is including me in an Expecting Parents Yellow Pages she’s putting together for the parents in her childbirth education classes.  She’s including me as a birth and newborn/family photographer, and I’m really hoping this translates to some new business.  I don’t want to do a whole lot of birth photography because of the "on call" type of work it is, but I wouldn’t mind doing a bit now and then.  And I’d REALLY love to photograph more babies. 

Speaking of babies, my half sister had a baby this week.  Emilee Claire, 8lbs 13 oz.  She’s adorable.  It’s kind of weird, knowing I’m an aunt and not really being able to publicly acknowledge that relationship.  I’ve know about my connection to Aimee (my sister) for six or seven years now, but I still don’t know how much, if anything, she knows.  (Long story short: Aimee’s mom and my mom are cousins.  I found out just after Aimee’s mom passed away that the same guy who got my mom pregnant in high school also fathered Aimee.  So, we’re half sisters and second cousins.)  Mom has never really asked Aimee’s grandma if she knows or not, and I really don’t feel like it’s my place to come out and say "Hey, I’m your sister!"  We also have another sister, Jessica, who I actually went to school with for six years without knowing we were sisters.  It’s a weird, weird thing. 

Anyway, Aimee e-mailed last week asking if I’d do some pictures of the baby for her when they come in from Maryland.  I’m hoping she does decide to book a session, because it would give me a bit of a chance to suss the situation out.  Plus, I’d get to snuggle my cutie pie of a niece. 

Okay, I’m going to go enjoy a bit of quiet time to myself since the kids are asleep and Aaron’s gone.  Might get into something crafty….

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