The coincidence of opposites

For almost all of my life I have made decisions based on the reduction of options, thinking that something could not be both A and NOT A at the same time.  This seemed obvious to me even as a child and worked suitably for most things.  But some things persisted in acting like they were both A and NOT A at the same time.

This pattern is found all over the place, and so it is curious to me, why it is so prevalent.  Ayn Rand said there were no contradictions, except the fact that no one asks now who is John Galt seems like an oversight. A contradiction.  They both understand and embrace the teachings of Ayn Rand but also at the same time DO NOT understand.


Mesons are the things that make up matter.  The different types of quarks are mesons.  Quarks come in different flavors and the way you combine them creates protons and neutrons.  And then their are the electrons, which have their own Field.  But these are the pieces of our reality, and they cannot be in the same place and time as other pieces of reality (this is why you ca’t have everything, for where would you put it?).  Then there are the bosons, the Force particles.  Now these are interesting because they DO stack.  You can absolutely strengthen the Force of your will, for instance, by aligning it so closely with another in time that the waves overlap, creating constructive criticism.  IN this way lasers are made, or High Magic.  It is the same, really.  Science is only beginning to understand the Hermetic teachings of yore, and how they apply to our illusion we call realty.

But this idea that bosons can stack gave rise, in my mindscape, to the idea that Time was then a bosun, because ten that would allow all time to overlap, which it seems to do.

As a page that aches for words
Which speaks on a theme that’s timeless
While the Sun God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the one God will make for your way
~ Be, Neil D., J.L. Seagull

To feel like I am on the right Path and to be terrified that I have been lied to, by myself, by teachers, by culture.  To be both right and wrong at the same time is a mental state I have had to deal with m whole life.   They called me manic depressive, but really my emotions are just stacked. I feel them all all the time all at once.  The VA always tried to medicate me, when I wasn’t sick.  I was ‘off’ but only in regard to culture.  It took me a long while to do enough research, to walk eough miles in enough shoes to make a break with all of it and say, yep, there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

But at the same time Life is amazingly wonderful, and I don’t have to worry about the world.  My kids are in another hemisphere.  If the goal of Life is to spread your DNA far and wide, I did well.  The kids both have great starts, and I don’t have to worry about them.  They seem to have taken me at my word to not worry about me.

Because if reality is both real and not real, like quantum field theory says it is, then it can be hacked.  But to hack it we have to be alone.  Tied to your cultural perception I have to overcome your entropy in order to manifest my reality.  So I burn bridges as a process when I coalesce my knowledge and try to decide where to go next.  Get rid of ballast, or half baked ideas and things I was told are true but don’t make sense.

I feel guilty my life turned out so well, but I think rather that maybe some of me did die in all those events, I am just one of the last ones left.  (there can be only One)  Not guilty, really, the word is close but not right, but part of me just wants to play with the dogs the rest of my life and try to be the best husband to my wife.  Other parts of me remind me of the rule of .303, and ask me what are all those push-ups for if I can’t lift a burning beamnto free myself.

Anyway, the coincidence of opposites is an illusion.  It is simple really, if you can change state in your mind’s eye/  raise to a higher valence
A coin has heads on one side and tails on the other and so it seems like it has two sides, but it is just One coin.
This is the secret.  The trick is to transform your perception to make it easier to consider, and then you see that you backed up, that you were looking too closely at the coin.
This pattern repeats.  You will find yourself banging your head against a wall and seeing no way through.  Peace! No wall is that big.  Breathe.  Back up.  Change perspective. You will see a way around BUT consider the benefit of breaking the wall.  It might be your Obstacle that you needed to put there to get yourself to Rise.


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