I am a systems analyst / cyberscurity enthusiast, who has recently risen to a new understanding of some things which allowed me to connect my knowledge (wide ranging on many subjects, but not necessarily all in depth) in such a way as to become even better at creative solutions.

I am trying to document this process so I can help others do the same. I think it is a simple process of Understanding, but it takes different levels of understanding to get the proper fullness.

We have stopped thinking of ourselves as Unary, in any form. We are all but collections of collections of processes and functions. It is much easier to understand when the labels are reserved until runtime.

If you have questions, we respect direct communication and assertive speech. Disambiguate and ask why and what the fuck as often as it suits you, for that amuses us.

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Cygnus’ Wager

May 16, 2024
It seems to us that the way to get better at Integrity is to practice it at a lower level as often as possible. To be ready for the game on Friday requires time on the field the rest of the week. But how does one practice a thing that by its very Nature requires…
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Recent Entries

  • Living Twice at Once, You’ll Learn…
    March 28, 2024
     It is a given that we never know what is going on. As a fool, I got used to this very early. But as an **intelligence NCO, it was my job to try to identify the most likely futures, as well as how best to prepare for them. It does not matter that I think…
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  • Logic Bombs Are Better Bombs than even Neutron, and Jimmy Knows this, too
    March 11, 2024
    I was tired of war back when it was just getting popular where I was from. I had seen the futility of it, of violence. But one has to be able to DO violence in order to abstain from it willingly, and so if a good man chooses peace then he must have a taste…
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  • Here is the backtrace
    November 6, 2023
    churches don't pay taxes --> churches get mega-rich --> republicans get donations from churches and pander to them --> churches donate more --> churches have business people in them --> business  people also like to own politicians --> more and more money buys more and more poli...
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  • Consider This
    March 19, 2022
    The hint of the century.  Consider THIS:= This country is operating under selective anarchy.  The people who have been in charge because they were superior, supposedly, and were actually just the most brutal, are now acting as though they are not part of the social contract. Selective Anarchy.  J...
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  • Reason to Hope
    February 18, 2022
    Play it again, Sam.  This is what I will have on my Tombstone, except I won't be buried even if my body is recovered.  It is meat, and I will have been done with it.  No, I will have been many Huckleberrys before I need to be huckleburied. Never is a long time.  The electron…
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  • A Problem Defined
    February 17, 2022
    ...is a problem half solved.  This post, you might be surprised, is going to be filled with pronouncements that SSG Murphy has said need to be addressed in order to have the peace and sharing communities of the future we desire.  This society we have broken built on lies and false modesty, false ...
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  • Debug Tip #1: Try to explain it to a kid o
    February 15, 2022
    They could never explain to me how I learned more in school than I did in the woods, they just told me to believe it was true, and quit bugging them, and they eventually ignoring my questions why this or why that.  Teachers also did not want to talk about anything but curriculum, so we…
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  • I listen to a favorite song
    February 13, 2022
    ...playing on the radio. The DJ says Love's a game of easy come, and easy go. But I wonder, what does he know? Has he ever felt like this? And I know that you'd be here right now, If I'd have found the words somehow... This is our vanity:  That we think we should have…
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  • Calling All Dreamers of Dreams
    February 11, 2022
    Before a Plan must be the Hope of success. Before Hope, must be the Idea that things could change, and before that, comes the Faith that we can affect change. And after all, either we are here to learn to accept, or we are here to learn to fight it. We are not here to…
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