You can write any story you need to get you to the next frame

Does your truth make this realm seem amazing?

Or does your truth make this realm and all that live here meaningless to you?
If your life has no meaning, look here first…
If you need anything else in the universe to make you feel real or unique or important, try again.
There is no reason not to think that you are all there is. There is also no reason not to think other things as well, but why think only things that might diminish you? Are you that afraid of your potential?
There is at least a non-zero chance you are an aspect of a God or are here to learn how to be a good God or a good higher Self. All the of these potentialities can be lived simultaneously by learning to wield power with mercy and handle powerlessness with grace.
Both of those can be learned by reading and imagining. Both of those can be practiced by writing and editing.
Why else log in to this place every day?  Life, not open diary.   You call it waking up, but most of you are still asleep.  The graphics are impressive, but it is supposed to be a tutorial, we think. Self-taught, you see.
Log in to write a note
May 20, 2022

The truth is that not everyone knows their truth.

Seems like a good place to start though.

Is our truth the product of thought, sum of experience, belief..choice?

Maybe One isn’t important. Maybe One is all there is. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between. A glint from a photon landing on a drop of water flowing from a jug to the drain, for the pleasure of the gods. One is within the drop of water, along with the contents of a universe.

Are we One? Maybe a god or a single consciousness living each life I can imagine. Do unto others as you’d have done to you for it is You. In the same place but another time, come back to the same time, or living it all simultaneously.

But it’s a beautiful, lonely thought. To be so vast, expanse, omniscient upon the frame rendering. Like a child in the sandbox when he puts down his toy.

Is the only potential worth having is the choice to choose again?

June 23, 2022

@novilight to wake up and the server is also up and the red-head is still abed beside me is proof to me this is not the dream but Providence gently guiding me