CoH CoS (Chapter 32)

Damien walked through the campus slowly. Music pumped through his earphones. Honey walked beside him through the crowd. She was always amused at how crowds, no matter how dense, parted in front of Damien. She touched his arm softly to get his attention. He turned toward her and she touched her ear lightly. Damien nodded and slipped his earphones off.

“What’s up hun?”

“I was wondering. Why do you always listen to music walking to class, even when you’re with someone? “

“I’m sorry hun, I thought you knew. But I forget, you haven’t gotten to that level yet.”

“Knew what?”

“When a Knight starts getting into their higher levels, their ability to read minds goes a little off. No one knows why this happens but it does. One starts hearing human thoughts anytime you’re out. By this time you learn to use your abilites to shut out the voices, but it does take a little power to do. When I listen to music I don’t have to use that power. The music effectively blocks out the voices. Hmm…maybe I can show you. Did they already install the telepath link in your sunglasses?”

“Yes, a few days ago.”

“Good switch it on.”

Damien and Honey reached up and touched the side of their sunglasses, ran their fingers down the side and tapped twice. Then, almost as if someone had turned on a radio, Honey heard it. Voices of every type and sort in her mind. She almost couldn’t believe it.

“…going to lunch…”

“…didn’t even wash his hands…”

“…wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole…”

“…get her a card…”

“…knew I forgot…”

“…study page…”

“…friday night is…”

Voices kept coming and coming into her mind. Some whispering, some talking, some even shouting. She shook her head but they didn’t stop. She swtiched off the telepath link and shook her head again.

“Now you know why alot of the officers listen to music so much, even just walking around. We could easily do the same with a little bit of power, but this helps us save that power for something more useful.”

“I can see how that could drive someone crazy. Now I know why you visit the psych wards in hospitals and instutions.”

“Exactly. Some of them are just people that have a large natural ability in the Gift, but have no knowledge of it, so they don’t know how to control it. We’d better get going though. Class is going to start soon.”



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*smiles* I like that concept. Once again, a creative and thought-provoking segment. Take care, friend, and be well.

I liked that. Very nice.

i loved what you wrote in the note…i needed that today.

Hey, Thanks for leaving a note? Like your diary! Come check mine out again! I added you to my aol AIM, my screen name is sillyme2323 just in case you didn’t know=) Tata 4 now.. J