Rest Ye Merry Gentleman…

Cause he had too much to drink!"

  hehe.  Good eve to all.  And no, I didn’t drink, but I thought that was a funny and therefore had to post it.  So, its Christmas time and I haven’t gotten all my shopping done.  I know, its awful, but oh well.  I’m just asking for it, being in long lines and fighting with people for the last tickle me elmo or something like that.  Not much is going on. 

I’m still waiting for my final grades, but I did get to know a couple of them.  My fundamentals teacher was ready with our final grade the day after our final.  I got a B in there, which I expected.  I knew I was having more trouble towards the end and it would affect my grade.  But at least I know that I scored one of the highest grades in the class.  My creative writing professor e-mailed me to tell me my final grade.  Its also a B.  I was expecting this one too.  I know that my being late often kind of pulled my grade down and I know I still have some things to tighten up in my writing style.  In all honesty I thought it was a fair assessment of my performance in that class, so I’m good. 

  Let’s see…what else.  Oh yeah, I got news from my voice teacher.  He announced to me that the voice faculty had voted me to pass into private study.  I am very honored that they think enough of my improvement in voice and my overall singing to pass me into private study.  There’s just one problem though.  I don’t know if I’m going to accept it.  Mainly because if I do that means I’ll be really getting into a minor in music. (How I wish that pertained to some hot high school girl, but alas it doesn’t…*laughs*)  Anyway, I spoke to my voice teacher about the minor and its actually alot of classes to take.  I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to do and still graduate on time with my major.  I’m still going to sit down and talk with my family and then with my best friend Krillen before I make a decision, but I know I need to make one soon.  I may be taking up a slot for someone else who’s more dedicated (or has more time before their graduation) to getting a music major/minor. 

  Any thoughts on the story so far?  And does anyone have any problems with me posting DR: Harry Potter at the same time, even though it takes place after Oz?  Give me some feedback here people.  hehe.  Anyways, my mother asked me to go with her to pick me sister up at the airport, so I’d better get going.  Good eve to all.


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December 19, 2005

Yeah, it’s a lot of work to major in one thing and minor in another. I want to minor in something… but not sure what. Right now though, I’m thinking about minoring in Asian studies, lol. Major in German, minor in asian studies (Japanese mostly :P). That ought to land me some kind of job in the tourism industry, lol. But I still have a lot of time to think about what I want to minor in. Hugs

December 19, 2005

post whatever you want sweetie. Your xmas present is gonna be late. That website were out of the scarfs u wanted and now Im searching for something good for u. I love you! 🙂

December 19, 2005

I hope you did good on your finals!! Merry Christmas! Cheerio 🙂

December 19, 2005

If your heart isn’t in it, the don’t continue with the minor in music. It’d be less stress on you. Then again if you enjoy it, then go for it!