Does she mean it….

I don’t know. Let’s recap the events shall we?

She and I met back in March on a dating site. There was some great conversation, pictures exchanged etc…we decided to meet. I thought the date went really well, and the kiss πŸ’‹ knocked me off my feet.

And so I went home. The communication slowly came to a stop, and I never got an answer as to why. Your all probably shaking your head at me not figuring it out right away. I went back to the site we met on, and her profile was still up. I had taken mine down cause I thought we had something. I finally acknowledged to myself that something fishy was going on, and as my normally blunt self I asked why her profile up, and was she dating someone? She affirmed that there was someone else.

At that moment my heart cringed and crumbled a bit, and I stopped talking to her except for brief check ins.

And then, in my opinion, she contacted me out of the blue, because her life had gone to shit so she was putting her self into a position thats not mentally safe. And because she had no other options except this one or homelessness she resolved to do it and went to Arizona.

Here’s the thing, shortly after we started talking g regularly again she started telling me she loved me. I still have feelings for her. I’m not sure if she means it or if she’s doing it to get what she wants. We talk at least once a day, text, and play games, share our favorite music.

I am afraid this is going to turn out similarly to the first time.

Can anyone help me navigate this? I feel blinded byΒ  emotions.



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October 6, 2018

She sounds a bit unstable, hon. Not saying there’s a 7.9 on the way, but step with caution and reinforce your foundations?

October 7, 2018

Probably a bit presumptuous to assume you were exclusive after 1 date? Dont take it personally as it’s not about you, and dont smother her. Whatever will be will be. πŸ™‚

October 8, 2018

That really is the scary part to decide whether you want to go down that same road and find out if it will beΒ different or if you’ll getΒ hurt again. I’ve been through it recently and I hurt way worse the second time around. So I will say stay friends if you can and keep your distance but the fact that you have feelings for her might be a problem because shelving those feelings that never went away is almost impossible, especially if you’re in contact just about everyday. Every relationship is different so if you decide to give it a shot I hope it works out butΒ proceed with caution. All the best

October 9, 2018

@sweetie04Β  wow, thanks for the comments it was difficult to put those feelings away in the first place