The return of Geremy Flores The Trilogy

Day 265,

I came to work and I haven’t seen Geremy Flores once this day. Until, at lunch, he went to grab a shortbread cake. I personally didn’t really enjoy the shortbread cake but I was happy to see Geremy Flores. So happy that I threw him straight into FNAF. He spent the first 7 days researching FNAF lore and then he was ready, he quoted ”Santa’s doing the griddy in here, come!” and then I jamp in, I realise it was a trap when I saw the room was labelled ”santa’s room” but in Geremy Flore’s handwriting. I was like so mad that I turned Geremy Flores into an elf and shipped him off to the north pole. To my surprise I accidentally wrapped chika into a present, so Geremy Flores got mega jump scared when he opened it. He ran away as fast as he could until he slipped on gravy, did the splits and had a cardiac arrest on the spot. I had to pull out my defibrillators just for this situation I’ve been preparing for. Don’t ask why I have them. When he woke up, he proceeded to give me the classic suplex straight into the ring. But then I told Geremy to look into the cameras because Foxy was missing. and that’s when Foxy came out of nowhere and RKO’d Geremy into of oblivion. ”sunnuvabitch I just used my defibrillators on him. They take at least 24 millenium to recharge, but since I got that battlepass it only takes 6 and a half minutes”, I yelled at foxy to get back into the closet as he was break dancing all over Geremy’s body. Geremy didn’t say anything so I thought he was okay with it. I didn’t want to say anything to foxy else he would snipe me in roblox. I was wondering what FNAF game we were playing when I checked and it said FNAF ultimate custom night and it was on 50/20 mode. This gives me a flashback to when I was walking home and I stepped in raw, uncooked dog shit. Geremy gave me a very guilty look, so something made me think he shat on the floor. I was so angry that I told him ”no more scooby snacks, this dog shit is your new breakfast”. He whimpered and looked away.

This is why you never put a dog on a shelf at 3 AM or else Geremy Flores will come and eat the dog and do the courage the cowardly dog jumpscare.

-signed by Geremy Flores, written sincerely by you.

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