Santa Blog…

Hello everyone. Alot of us have been strangers for a bit as the diarymaster performed his magic. Got some poetry in my head but not feeling it today. I did want to wish everyone who stops by here the very best and people celebrate the coming end of the year and all the various "holiday" traditions from faith or just the desire to get out and yahoo it up a bit.
I’m off and about myself with time off of work and tend to not get on line much (or at all) when away from the terminal at work. Everyone who takes the time to stop here is a blessing as you share a moment of your life with us at OD and for the most part better our collective existence. Sharing in life is the gift and it need not a bow or a single shred of wrapping paper. The only thing that is needed is….you.
So now that we are all back to are writing shenanigans….lets just remember each of us in our electronic partnership of smiles, wisdom, laughter and even a few tears…..and diarymaster to you too I am grateful as it is not I who takes the time to keep this boat afloat and it is very dear to me and a lot of my friends here.

ok one short one….

river dark
river deep
running through the hills

murky down
to onyx swirls
it’s the depth that kills

swim ye not
in water deep
that has no bottom floor

for wade into
the churning sea
and seen be nevermore

I why thee ask
this writer dear
to pen words bring such pause

to thee I say
one simple thing
I ain’t no santa claus

Later everyone… be well…and if you haven’t checked lately… smell….

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December 23, 2013

Well, I don’t smell. Just had a shower. 🙂 Hoping all the best for you.

December 23, 2013
December 23, 2013

Thank you for your note my friend. I hope you enjoy your time off and find many new inspirations to tell us about. Write about this And write about that While at work Or anywhere you’re at So long as you know We’ll be here to read Yes, we’ve got you bookmarked Your updates we’ll see So run and play as you will Frolic till dawn’s early light<br> Dance with Lady Sweet Then come back here and write ; )

December 23, 2013

RYN: Thank you! And you, darling. Merry Christmas (eve)!

December 24, 2013

Thank you for such a touching entry! In my turn, I also would like to thank our open diary master to whom we are so grateful for keeping this boat afloat. Merry Christmas!

🙂 ryn: A week off, thats not too bad. Tbh, I don’t do much. I despise the materialisticness (thats a word? XD 😛 ), of christmas. I wouldn’t bother with gifts if I had it my way. I visit the family, and thats about it. meh. Yourself? And a happy holidays to you, too

December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas Derek 🙂

December 27, 2013

Derek you stink! LOL Hope you had a nice Christmas smelly boy. giggles 😉

December 29, 2013

thank you thank you thank you. may 2014 bring you beautiful words and weather and wonder.