what do you say….


What do you say when this may be the last post you ever make on a site that has been a dear friend to me and has made it possible to find so many friends along the way. I think we would all like to say something epic or memorable but alas that is asking for something that i will probably disappoint.
suffice it to say that I will miss some friends that go seperate ways but maybe make new friend elsewhere. I will cherish the words were shared and remember those who already left long before this final ending. I find it difficult to post elsewhere but it willcome eventually. I still can write privately in word document so my paer increases even tho my sharing does not.
At prosebox I am derekmarks so easy enough to find for those interested and I have found many a friend there already. Anyway I guess one last poem might be in order so lets see if we can part with a laugh with the next post…

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I’m still not liking prosebox, it’s the whole “book” layout to it. the site feels like it’s for writers..(like yourself & your poetry), more than it’s for diarists. Just not comfortable there. Not that it matters much, I stopped using OD to the extent I used to, I may never start up elsewhere.