I’m hungry and Trump sucks.


Don’t you hate when you wake up hungry and no matter what you eat (in my case it was natural peanut butter on toast and a Diet Coke) it doesn’t fill you up? Its like I have a hollow leg today or something. I have nothing good in my house though. I don’t keep a lot of good snacks here anymore. By good, I definitely don’t mean healthy! haha. I need to grocery shop bad. I have no fresh fruits in the house. I had planned on making a vanilla Shakeology with frozen peaches, SO GOOD, but my almond milk is expired.

Trust me, I am not one of those health nuts. Not by a long shot. I have my vices. Ice cream is my boyfriend and we spend a lot of time together. You can always get me with ice cream. I have had weight issues damn near all my life. I’ve been fat, I’ve been thin and a whole lot in between. Now I just want to be healthy. I’ve lost 118 pounds over the last few years. I have these times where I am all in on clean eating with a treat here or there and then I have these periods of time where I’m just like….fuck it. It can be situational, hormonal or just…..Tuesday when I snap into “eating like a troll mode.”

Okay, its about to get real right now. I fucking hate Donald Trump. The only person I hate more than Donald Trump is my piece of shit ex-brother in law. I won’t go into details on him because its not my story to tell but trust me when I say, he is fucking scum. Anyway, I was doing fucking fantastic on the 21 Day Fix program when Trump got elected. I believe I was on my 3 cycle and I was down 25 pounds. Then Trump won and it threw a monkey wrench in my whole program. Now, I don’t blame Trump for me fucking up my program. I blame the protest voters that voted him into office for kicking off my depression and anxiety BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT HE WAS ABOUT. He told us all what he was about. The first few months after he was sworn in, my anxiety was throwing up gang signs. Shout out to Eminem for that analogy by the way. With every new racists remark or action, my depression would get worse and so would my anger. I worry about my Mom who at 75 still works full time. She was supposed to retire last year but because she doesn’t know what’s going to happen with Social Security and Medicaid (fuck you Paul Ryan) she decided to keep working. This is a woman who has worked her entire life, raised 4 kids sometimes being the ONLY bread winner because my Dad did contract work, practically raised my oldest nephew (a fucked up story for another time) and had very little help financially and emotionally from my Dad. She deserves a god damn brake! My sister and I try to tell her that all of us kids can kick in every month with some money so she doesn’t have to work but she’s stubborn and says, “Kids don’t support parents, parents support kids”. Which is kind of funny because my sister does EVERYTHING for my Mom. She lives with my sister and has since my Mom sold our house of 30 years after my Dad died. I love my Mom but she can be really shitty to my sister and it pisses me off. My sister is fucking AMAZING. I’ll brag on her later. haha. Anyway, I didn’t take Trump’s win well and for a year was kind of scattered emotionally. I feel like I’m back on track now and fortunately the most I gained over the year was 6 pounds which I’ve already lost in 2018.

How the fuck do people still support Trump? I don’t fucking understand it. He says and does horrible things and while some of his voters have changed their mind about him, there are still the diehards that make excuses for everything he does. Don’t even get me started on the Evangelicals. Its absurd. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate people that voted for him. I don’t even hate the people that still support him, I just don’t understand them. I have several friends and family members that voted for him. Their choice. The thing I can’t stand is when they spew Fox News talking points that have been disproven not just by multiple media sources but by the members of Trump’s administration themselves. This dude is not a quality person. He doesn’t give a rip about the American people and he’s proved it over and over. I won’t watch the State Of The Union. If I wanted to listen to a narcissistic blow hard lie to me for 90 minutes, I’d call my most recent ex and talk to him!

Anyway, enough negativity. Ha! That’s pretty funny coming from me to be honest. I have a lot of around the house stuff to do that I really don’t feel like doing. The four legged free loader is curled up on the couch just snoozing away right now. She’s in for a rude awakening when I fire up the vacuum cleaner! She haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates it. So do I to be honest. I actually have to GO to the grocery store today. I try to do as much as possible online through Amazon Prime Now and Vons.com because I’m not a big fan of people and they tend to be at the grocery store. Especially on a Saturday afternoon. I have a lot of stuff to get and when that’s the case I prefer to go myself. I’m weird. Have you picked up on that yet?

I can’t remember how to upload pictures into my entries. I wanted to add a picture of my free loader. She really is cute…for an asshole.

Shout out to the lovely people that accepted my friend requests yesterday! Thank you. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.


Have a great day everyone! VIVA LA BEN & JERRY’S!!!!!!

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January 27, 2018

There’s two buttons above the editing toolbar for adding images – one for the feature image, and one for images in the entry. Thanks for making me think about ice cream!

January 27, 2018

@thediarymaster Hey thanks Bruce! If this is Bruce that is. If not, thanks not Bruce! I’m so happy to be back here. Thanks for all you do!