i feel like my friends try to hard or not at all

So one of my closest friends knows quite well that I have an eating disorder and that I really hate talking or discussing food and although i try and mask it most of the time, a lot of the time she still asks me things like would you like frozen yogurt and such and I try to make excuses and indicate that I can’t eat that, and after some pestering I answer honestly, saying how milk is one of a huge fear foods for me as well as yogurt, and yet she avoids that and just says shell ask for dairy free fro-yo for me. I just feel like either she dosent acknoledge my eating disorder at all, or she tries too hard to make me normal. To be blunt it’s triggering and frustrating, but I never want to make a big deal out of things normal people don’t think twice about. I feeel like I do, especially as I find myself telling her things I wouldn’t dare tell anyone else at times, including having bloody panic attacks over food and shit. she knows how much it distresses me, and I hate it. Am I making a big deal out of things? I feel like shit… sometimes it feels like all I am is my eating disorder but I don’t exactly want to lie to her either. I know she probably dosen’t mean harm and she’s a nice person but at times I just wish she would stop talking about food altogether. I have to pretend I’m well in front of everyone, and I don’t have the strength to do it all the time.

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