Today was a mess !/TW/ED/!

So today I went out with my friend for her birthday, and it was going reletively well until she started buying junk and aske me if i wanted some. At first I was cautious and only ate some so I could fit it in with my calorie budget, but soon i reasoned with myself and my binge urges begun to kick in. I ended up going up to 1000 cal before saying screw it and eating an ice cream, a whole chocolate bar, some random ass beef jerky, and some fruit bars. I couldn`t purge it since the public toilets closed, and so i said goodbye to my friend and tried not to cry on the way home and ended up binging and purging some cheap pasta and a sandwich before chucking out the dinner my mum made me because I couldn’t stand to eat anymore and now I’m just chewing gum while hoping to calm my urges to binge more. I’m hopefully going to try and fast tomorow before doing low restriction for a couple days and then ramping it up so I don’t binge.

God help me I’m a mess

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