Pasta is now a fear food coz argh !TW/ED rant!

So turns out I should have read the nutrition label closer on my favorite pasta brand, as it has about double the calories I thought one serving had. It said that per 100g it had 168cals, but I didnt read the fact it meant cooked pasta had that amount, and I measured it out uncooked- essentially the uncooked pasta absorbs the water and when cooked weighs a lot more than the uncooked version, so I have been untintentionally eating about 322cals instead. Fuck pasta man thats all i gotta say. Thankfully Ive still been losing weight and I take part comfort in the fact I generally burned it all off through excersize but still… I guess I`ll just have to remember that for next time.

Also sorry for the weird font changes but I can’t be bothered to rewrite a rant post

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