Post 1…

Good to see OD is back. I have no way of remembering what my info from the previous one was, so I consider that lost. No way of knowing who I followed here or even the names, but I sure hope they are all doing well.

My how things have changed…If I recall correctly, I was in a bad place when I last posted. I was separated and searching for something. I was lonely and felt as if I were missing out on life. Since then, a chance meeting has turned my life around.

I went to a high school baseball game (May 2016) that my cousin’s son was pitching in. And there, on the front row sat this beautiful woman. I spoke but never thought we would talk again, much less see one another. After a day or two of her face booking (searching) me, she sent me a message. She had been in her own bad place and had been hurt badly as well. We had a love of baseball in common, and I soon found out that there was no one quite like Prince.

We talked, hung out, went on dates and I found myself falling in love with this woman more every day. Now, as I type here at OD, we are 2 months and 18 days away from being married. we are planning on traveling to the mountains of Tennessee for the wedding, something magical, like her.

My sadness, loneliness and the worries of yesterday are no more. I have this incredible woman, an amazing love that I felt I would never feel again. So I find myself happy, and I hope that you are as well.

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February 24, 2018

Welcome back 🙂 I love Tennessee, it’s so beautiful . My friends and in try to go every may to a mag8cal festival in bBurns. Hope your wedding is wonderful

February 24, 2018

Sorry for the typos!

February 24, 2018

How wonderful! Welcome back!